Tangierine Cafe -- Counter Service

Meatballs and rice platter at Tangierine Cafe

On our first day, we decided to head to Epcot for a quick bite to eat before dinner at the Garden Grill. We had decided to try Tangierine Cafe, since a lot of Mediterranean food seems GF and we had a very enjoyable meal at Restaurant Marrakesh previously. I'd also seen some good GF reviews on it. Unfortunately, this one turned out to be a bust. They had an allergy book out, and the chef came out to see me, but he told me the only options I had gluten free and dairy free were 1) Meatball platter served with yellow rice and 2) Vegetable Platter minus a lot of the items. He did not seem too thrilled to modify anything, so I decided to go w/the meatball platter and gamble on the meatballs, since I normally don't eat ground beef or ground lamb. I also discovered they had no dessert option (we were on the DDP this trip). I got the baklava and gave it to my mom. The meatballs themselves tasted ok, but slightly greasy for me. The rice had corn in it, and I picked around it, since I have problems digesting it. Otherwise, it tasted ok, but wasn't anything special.

I think I will stick with the TS on this one, rather than the CS. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 for lack of options, no dessert, and lackluster service.


Garden Grill -- Table Service -- Epcot


Coral Reef -- Table Service -- Epcot