Quick Service Quick Service

Tangierine Cafe -- Lunch/Dinner -- Quick Service -- Morocco -- World Showcase

*This dining experience took place in July 2013.

Counter at Tangierine Cafe

Visiting the Morocco Pavilion is like visiting an oasis. It's a welcome spot to rest and relax, as well as enjoy the sights, sounds, and tastes of Morocco. I am a huge fan of Restaurant Marrakesh and Tangierine Cafe provides a taste of Marrakesh in quick service location and half the price. The meals here are often light, flavorful, and affordable.One of the things that often varies at this location is the choices. The menu has changed some in the past few years and also the ways in which the chefs interact with you can vary from visit to visit. Sometimes, they give me a binder but lately, they've been calling a chef who doesn't really confer with you per se, but rather tells you this is what you can or cannot eat. Sometimes, they are more willing to talk to you about things but often there is a slight language barrier that makes this a little difficult. On this particular visit, I knew that I wanted the Chicken Shawarma Platter. It's what I got on the last trip, and I really enjoyed it. The chef told me that this was still safe, as well as Morrocan Kefta Sandwich which is seasoned ground beef patties that are grilled. Of course, you would need this modified because it comes in a wrap. I rarely eat beef, so I went with the chicken. The chef stayed out in the front and directed the cast member serving what they should and shouldn't include on my plate, as well as arranging for an Ener-G roll to be served. For those folks looking for Ener-G rolls/buns, check here because they have them! (and have carried them consistently for a long time).

Chicken Shawarma Platter

The Chicken Shawarma Platter is a decent portion. I love love love their hummus (and always wish I could have more), the olive salad is good, as is the lentil salad. The chicken is a bit spicy, so be forewarned if you do not like spicy food. The Ener-G roll is still not my most favorite roll because it gets Styrofoamy really quickly, but if you add enough hummus, it's perfectly fine. If I were vegetarian or vegan, I'd get the vegetable platter with all of the sides above.

Ener-G Roll/Bun

Overall, I find that Tangierine Cafe is a really nice quick service for something different. I've never disliked any of the food here although I wish they had more options. Of course, if you're looking for more options, I would say head to Restaurant Marrakesh for a slighter larger variety.For me, this is another 7 out of 10 for flavorful food, though I wish they had more options and the chef/manager interaction was a little better. And check out the hummus. It's the best!

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Quick Service Quick Service

Tangierine Cafe -- Quick Service -- Lunch/Dinner -- Morocco -- World Showcase -- Epcot

*This dining experience took place in February 2013.

 Any time I visit the Moroccan pavilion at Epcot, I feel like I'm transported to another world. It has a lovely authentic vibe. I love trying new things here, and I love Moroccan food. I especially love hummus and olives of any type.Unfortunately, on my last trip, I didn't have many options, but I really wanted to see if they had changed in the past year.When I first entered, I let the cashier know that I needed to see a chef or manager. Interestingly enough, they brought a chef. It was a very interesting experience, as he did not interact with me at all. The cashier told him that I couldn't gluten or dairy (which he translated in Arabic). The chef then told him basically what I could have. This was very different from the last visit, where they gave me a binder with ingredients. Thankfully, I have a good working knowledge of Moroccan & Middle Eastern food, because I knew that hummus is naturally safe. The chef said I should order the Shawarma Platter with chicken, hummus, olives, lentil salad, and GF/DF bread. Seemed easy enough for me.The wait did take quite a while, mostly because they had to get the bread around. Interestingly enough, the bread was not GNI or Udi's. The only other place I've encountered this specific bread was at Be Our Guest Restaurant, but I was not able to determine what the brand is.

Shawarma Platter modified

Overall, I found this to be very good. In fact, I wish they would have had this option the last visit (I had the meatballs the last time, which are no longer on the menu). The chicken was a little spicy and very tender. The hummus was excellent, as usual. Unfortunately, the bread was kind of styrofoamy. It had a really weird texture that almost reminded me of the Ener-G rolls. It might have been better if it was warmer, but overall I wasn't a big fan. The olives were awesome--I could have eaten a ton of these. The lentil salad was OK. Probably the thing I liked the least on the plate, but it was still very good.I really enjoyed this meal here. Thankfully, I didn't get sick, but if you are concerned about ingredients, I would definitely speak up to ask for a binder.I'd give this a 7 out of 10 for good food, but lackluster allergy interaction/experience.

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Tangierine Cafe -- Counter Service

Meatballs and rice platter at Tangierine Cafe

On our first day, we decided to head to Epcot for a quick bite to eat before dinner at the Garden Grill. We had decided to try Tangierine Cafe, since a lot of Mediterranean food seems GF and we had a very enjoyable meal at Restaurant Marrakesh previously. I'd also seen some good GF reviews on it. Unfortunately, this one turned out to be a bust. They had an allergy book out, and the chef came out to see me, but he told me the only options I had gluten free and dairy free were 1) Meatball platter served with yellow rice and 2) Vegetable Platter minus a lot of the items. He did not seem too thrilled to modify anything, so I decided to go w/the meatball platter and gamble on the meatballs, since I normally don't eat ground beef or ground lamb. I also discovered they had no dessert option (we were on the DDP this trip). I got the baklava and gave it to my mom. The meatballs themselves tasted ok, but slightly greasy for me. The rice had corn in it, and I picked around it, since I have problems digesting it. Otherwise, it tasted ok, but wasn't anything special.

I think I will stick with the TS on this one, rather than the CS. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 for lack of options, no dessert, and lackluster service.

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