Garden Grill -- Table Service -- Epcot

Dale and I at Garden Grill!

This was our first time at the Garden Grill, and I have been wanting to dine there for years. Boy, we have been missing out!!! This is one of my new favorite places. It was soooo good. First of all, it's got great character interaction (yes, I got lots of pics with the characters) and it is such a nice calm environment. I love going around the Land! Upon arrival, we were greeted with menus and also birthday cards. How nice! Last year, we didn't really get anything special on our birthday trip, so we were quite surprised this trip (we got a LOT of great birthday meal experiences). Chef Tom came out and talked to me about the dietary restrictions. He was very helpful. I was able to get a lot of the regular offerings, though some slightly modified. First up were the Energ-G rolls (I had brought my Earth Balance margarine but forgot it at the hotel room! This restaurant did not have any on hand) and a garden salad. They made one big salad for all of us, with the dressings on the side (and no croutons). I had oil and vinegar for mine. This was an excellent salad too--very fresh and lots of yummy add-ins to it (bacon, egg, tomato, cucumber). I usually have to take it easy with the salad, but I admit, I scarfed a lot of it down.

Garden Salad...YUM!

Ener-G tapioca rolls

For my main plate, Chef Tom brought me crushed garlic potatoes, turkey, plain grilled fish with sauteed fresh veggies. I could have also had the steak, but I do not eat steak at all. I would be really sick if I did. It was all very good. Actually, it was one of my favorite meals of the trip. The veggies were nice and soft and so flavorful, and I ate a lot of them. The fish was mahi-mahi, and very tasty. They even gave me gluten free gravy on the side for the turkey and mashed potatoes, which was nice. I was very full by the end of the meal!!!

Main course: Garlic crushed potatoes, GF gravy, turkey, grilled mahi-mahi, and sauteed of my favorite meals of this trip!

Dessert options were limited, but I had my standby brownie, which is always very good.

Birthday brownie! The waiter sang to us!

Chef Tom was so accommodating and very helpful. He even came by later to check in and see how the food was. Overall, I cannot say enough nice things about this restaurant. Both the food and service were impeccable. I give this a 9 out of 10 (only because of the dessert option). My mom and stepdad said the food they had was also extremely good, and we all liked it so much I switched ADRs for my April/May trip to add in this restaurant again. Loved, loved, loved it!!


Tusker House -- Table Service -- Animal Kingdom


Tangierine Cafe -- Counter Service