Kona Cafe -- Breakfast -- Table Service -- Polynesian

*This dining experience took place in April 2013.

Entrance to Kona Cafe

It's been a while since I've been to Kona Cafe for breakfast. If you've read other reviews on the blog, you'll probably know that I'm a huge breakfast fan and a huge fan of Kona for breakfast. It's the best for allergy friendly Mickey waffles. I stopped by for breakfast this morning by myself (one of my least favorite things to do is to eat out alone!) so I planned for a quick meal; however, I was greeted to a very very busy restaurant. I actually ended up waiting for a table for about 20 minutes. Crazy! I hadn't expected a Sunday to be so busy but maybe everyone was out for brunch. Who knows? My server said it was the busiest she'd seen in a long time as well, so I wasn't the only one noticing the crowds.

Busiest I've seen Kona in a long time!

Once I got seated, I was met by Chef Katrina. She's helped me at various Disney restaurants before, but I think she's been at Kona for a while (she once gave me regular butter and dairy in my eggs--eek!). Now that Chef Johnny is over at Ohana, she was taking care of me this time. I decided to be kind of boring and get one of my standard favorites. The Big Kahuna platter modified. It's a ton of food, which was good because I was 1) starving and 2) had to help my brother move into a new apartment. I needed to carb load!The Big Kahuna typically comes with eggs your way, bacon, sausage, and ham, breakfast potatoes, macadamia nut pancakes and french toast. I sub out the glutenous carbs with the allergy friendly Mickey waffles. Yum! I also opted for no sausage because it really upsets my stomach--which is a real shame because it's really really good. I got the ham and bacon though.

Behold, the Big Kahuna!

Overall, it was a really good breakfast. The bacon was different than it used to be--for the better! It wasn't that yucky stringy bacon they usually serve. This was meaty thick bacon. Very good. The ham was excellent as always and the scrambled eggs were your basic scrambled eggs. The breakfast potatoes have a spice mixture on them, and they are really good. Big fan of those. The Mickey waffles were also good, except for one of them (I got 3) which was kind of burnt. Thankfully, I had enough of my fill of the waffles with two and the rest of my meal.As usual, Kona put out a great breakfast. And the service there was excellent too. My server was really busy but she was very attentive (which doesn't always happen when you dine alone). I'm reminded why I enjoy breakfast here so much. I need to go more often :) A solid 9 out of 10 from me!


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