Sanaa -- Lunch/Dinner -- Table Service -- AKL

*This dining experience took place in April 2013.I feel like it's a bit of an end of an era as I write this post. I just dined at Sanaa the other night and found out that the menu is being completely revamped, so I've officially had my last taste of some of my favorite Sanaa dishes. On the one hand it's exciting to hear about the new changes, but it's also kind of sad because I've been such a fan of the Sanaa menu. Ahhh, times are changin'! More about the new menu at the end of this post, but first up...a look at my favs as I experienced them on my last visit with this menu. (*note: Eating at WDW has a menu update with pics on their blog!)

 Sanaa is one of my favorite restaurants at Disney property. It's not for everyone. Some of the flavors may be spicy for some but for me, it's one of my all time favs. Plus, I love the relaxing atmosphere. On this trip, I was greeted by Chef Jake (who has helped me quite a few times). Our group ordered the Bread Service, as usual. I got the lentil pappadums and the rest of the group got the other breads (sorry I never actually pay attention to them more than there's naan bread). For dips, we ordered most of our favorites: red bell pepper hummus, coriander chutney, mango chutney and then we also ordered a new fav the coconut chutney and my brother got the sambal. Yikes, was that ever spicy. Like, spicy enough I wouldn't eat more than a bite of it.

Dips--watch out the one of the bottom left, the chili sambal...spicy and NOT in a good way!

For my entree, I ordered what I got on my last trip--the Durban chicken and green curry shrimp with the Basmati rice. Soooo good. I was glad I chose it, especially after Chef Jake told me about the new menu. I must say, whoever was making the Durban chicken that night was heavy handed with the spice. It was EXTRA spicy that night. Thank goodness I got the green curry shrimp or my mouth would not have cooled down.

My last of the Durban chicken and green curry shrimp...

So now onto that new menu I was talking didn't think I'd leave you hanging did you?! :) Chef Jake said the menu is being completely revamped. He didn't go into all of the details, but he did say the only one of the slow cooked dishes that is staying is the butter chicken--and that's the newest addition from last year! Gone is Durban chicken. Gone green curry shrimp. Can you tell I'm bummed? He said the sustainable fish dish will be completely re-worked and different. He said the tandoori items on the menu will be completely revamped too. He said they are adding a Bison dish, so for you fans of red meat--this might be a great dish. He didn't say what the rest of the changes were, but that they would be very interesting.While I'm bummed, I am glad to see some changes and a revitalized menu. It is important to have change in the menus. For my part, I'm excited to see and taste the new menu items and I can't wait to share them with you. If you go in the next week, you'll get to see that new menu in place. (*note: Eating at WDW has a menu update with pics on their blog!)

What do you think about the new changes? Are you excited? Bummed? My biggest hope is that the menu continues to be gluten and dairy free friendly!A solid 9 out of 10 but stay tuned for a new review.


Kouzzina -- Breakfast -- Table Service -- Boardwalk


Kona Cafe -- Breakfast -- Table Service -- Polynesian