Singapore -- International Marketplace -- 2013 Food and Wine Festival

*This information on this booth was obtained by me on October 2, 2013 by visiting the booth first-hand. This is not "official" information from Disney. Please always check with the cast members at each booth to confirm ingredients and safety based on your specific dietary need. For additional booth information visit the 2013 Food & Wine Festival Gluten Free Offerings Page.

Menu from Singapore

Singapore is another one of those booths that I expected at least one of the dishes to be GF/DF. I did some investigation while at the Festival Center, looking at the cookbook, and it looked like the Mahi Mahi was definitely out. The "Singa" sauce contains soy sauce. Bummer! Of course, I asked upon arrival at the booth to see if either option would be safe.

Mahi Mahi Recipe from the Official Festival Cookbook

The cast member followed the same procedure as Brazil and radioed a chef. Just like in Brazil, she had it on speaker phone which was good because I could hear the responses. The chef said that the only the Lemongrass Chicken Curry was gluten free, and it happened to be dairy free as well. They use coconut milk in it, and you can really taste it too. So essentially one of the dishes at the booth was safe for GF & DF diners.

  • Lemongrass Chicken Curry with coconut and jasmine rice

This booth was a little busier than Brazil

Lemongrass Chicken Curry

I will say that I didn't love this dish. It was so-so for me. I found it to be a little too spicy for me (like really hot spicy. I needed water ASAP) It just didn't feel overly balanced for me. I liked the strong lemongrass and coconut flavor, and you could tell that they used real lemongrass. The chicken was also quite flavorful. My other big fault was that they didn't have spoons at this marketplace kiosk. This was very saucy, as you can tell and really needed the spoon!Overall, I wouldn't say it was a bad dish by any means, just maybe not my favorite curry I've ever had. It really didn't have a strong curry flavor at all (which I love), so to me it really wasn't super balanced. Still, to have a GF/DF option at this booth was nice. I just wish the Mahi Mahi was safe!Have you been to this booth yet? What did you think of the gluten free & dairy free options here? 


Chef Kevin Dundon Culinary Demonstration -- 2013 Food & Wine Festival


Brazil -- International Marketplace -- 2013 Food and Wine Festival