'Ohana--Table Service--Polynesian

A view from the Polynesian

Well folks, 'Ohana has been one of my favorite restaurants at WDW for years. I love the woodfired meats, the sides (oh how I miss the old green beans from here), and all the other tasty treats. However, this was my first time going GF/CF. I knew prior to our reservations that Chef T.J. was now working here. Chef T.J., for those who don't know, is pretty much known as THE BEST chef for allergies on WDW property. I knew that if T.J. was there, this would be an unforgettable meal. Now, I wasn't feeling particularly hot this day. In fact, I had been down right miserable the day before. Call it the Crohn's flaring or just eating the wrong thing...I was not well. So, today was going to be a day of actual food, and I was excited. After a very upsetting and disappointing afternoon and experience at Yakitori House (previous arrangements had been made for the counter service to have GF sauce, but they refused to serve me rice or anything claiming they had no knowledge of the chef's contacting me) I literally hadn't eaten anything but protein shakes for over 24 hours. I needed food!

Upon arrival, the hostess verified that I had allergies. After we were seated, they had placed a fake polynesian flower on the table and they said that this would notify the chefs to come to see me. Well, sure enough I see chef T.J. walking my direction. I was so excited. He was terrific. I explained to him that I had Crohn's and that I just been sick, so I couldn't eat salad that night (rats, I was looking forward to that too!) So, he said he would do a few things for me, and take it easy on my tummy. First up, chicken wings. Oh my goodness, these were amazing. He gave me, something like 10 chicken wings! They had some spicy, sweet and sour glaze on them. Yum! T.J. came back to check on me and asked if I liked them because I hadn't eaten that many. I kept telling him how good they were, but that I was trying to pace myself since I hadn't much in the last day.

Spicy Chicken Wings

Then he brought out my entree. We agreed on turkey, shrimp, chicken, and pork. I decided not to do any red meat. Holy moly! When he brought out my entree, I couldn't believe the size! It was huge. It had rice, crispy rice noodles, and broccoli. The broccoli was a little crispy for me, but I tried a bit of it, and it was good. The meat had a sweet and sour sauce on it, and a peanut sauce on the top. So good.

Entree at 'Ohana! So tasty!

My entree after I was done. You can see how much I had left!

Chef T.J. came back out again and asked how it was. Of course, I couldn't help but gush over the wonderfully prepared meal. It was so good. I asked T.J. if I could take it home with me, and he said that with special diets he allows to go bags, so I got to take everything back to our room and eat it later. Good leftovers, let me tell you!

Then, it was time for dessert! T.J. brought out the most amazing decadent and FUN dessert! Chocolate brownies, soy chocolate ice cream, pineapple, bananas, and cotton candy with some chocolate syrup on top. Holy cow! I had help eating this one. We couldn't let it go to waste. It was so good.

That's one big tower of dessert!

I can't say enough good things about this restaurant or Chef T.J. It was tasty, amazing, and so wonderful to have an attentive and concerned chef. He was just great. I highly recommend this, and will continue to make this a must-do on my list, especially if T.J. is there! 10 out of 10 for great food, great service, and going above and beyond my expectations.

Whispering Canyon Cafe--Table Service--Wilderness Lodge


Mama Melrose--Table Service--Hollywood Studios