Kona Cafe -- Breakfast -- Table Service -- Polynesian

**This dining experience took place in May 2012. 

Just a quick update post on Kona Cafe. Thought I'd show a slight variation of offerings there. I recently had gallbladder surgery and prior to the surgery I needed to watch the fat content. Eggs really weren't working well for me (at least not the yolks). So, I was able to order egg whites which worked out really well. Of course, I had to have some Mickey waffles, even if my tummy wasn't too happy later. We ended up doing the "eggs your way" menu choice and subbed the biscuit for mickey waffles. I had grilled ham too. Yum!

Scrambled egg whites, ham, and Mickey waffles!



Turf Club Bar and Grill -- Table Service -- Lunch -- Saratoga Springs


Mara -- Quick Service -- Dinner -- AKL