Kona Cafe -- Breakfast -- Table Service -- Polynesian

 Ah Kona...if you are a regular reader of the blog or you've listened to Episode 002 of my podcast, you know I'm a pretty big fan of Kona Cafe for breakfast! It has been a while since I've had my favorite entree here, the Big Kahuna! With gallbladder problems and then surgery, it was pretty difficult to eat a lot of fat or high portions of food. Yuck! But gallbladder free, the Big Kahuna is just A-OK with me.I was greeted by my regular chef (sorry I never seem to pay attention to his name) who knows me so well that we don't even have to do the standard "what allergies do you have, etc." He just knows. "Gluten and dairy" is pretty much his standard statement. So, I told him that I wanted the modified Big Kahuna with scrambled eggs and no sausage (love the sausage but it does not love me) and Mickey waffles in place of the pancakes and french toast. He was also going to add Earth Balance vegan margarine, which many places are starting to have--this is good (but note, not the soy free version).While waiting for our meal, the chef came back out and he asked if I wanted pancakes instead of Mickey waffles because they are now providing pancakes. I prefer the Mickey waffles to the allergy pancakes (even though it's the same batter), and he agreed. We also had a nice discussion about Kona having the best Mickey waffles on property (and he's heard others say the same) and he said it's partly because they of the varying uses of the mix on property. He said every restaurant does it just a little bit differently. They use Bob's Red Mill pancake and waffle mix with canola oil and rice milk. That's it. Other restaurants sometimes add things like honey to the mix, which I thought was interesting. It explains why some taste a little bit different (and that it's not just my imagination).After he left, I thought about it, and my mom actually suggested that I could do the pineapple macadamia nut pancakes in the future since they could now do pancakes. I thought that was a really good idea, so the next time I'm there, I'm going to ask the chef about it and see if we can test it out!Of course, the Big Kahuna was as good as ever. The breakfast potatoes are so good, with a wonderful seasoning on them. The ham is delicious--some of the best on property. And the Mickey waffles, as usual were excellent. Although, my mom and I both noted that they weren't as crispy as normal (and we had just been talking about it with the chef), which was odd. First time ever that has happened there. We think they needed to cook just a tad longer. Overall though still very good. I had Earth Balance vegan margarine too, but as you see in pictures, it was melted by the time it got to me (not a bad thing sometimes though!)

Big Kahuna!
Lots of Mickey Waffles!

Overall, another 9 out of 10 for Kona. It's always my go-to breakfast spot, and I was so happy to be back in my Big Kahuna groove!

9 out of 10 Menehune prefer Kona Cafe!

Liberty Tree Tavern -- Lunch -- Table Service -- Magic Kingdom


Kouzzina -- Table Service -- Breakfast -- Boardwalk