Dining Review -- Polynesian, Kona Cafe Breakfast

The Polynesian is one of my favorite resorts, and I love the restaurants here. Kona Cafe has my favorite breakfast at WDW hands down. The Big Kahuna is the best. But, since going GF/CF I wasn't sure if I would be able to really enjoy my favorite breakfast. But, Chef Kim and the rest of the Kona staff made sure I did! Upon being seated, I told the waitress that I had dietary restrictions. She then went to the back and brought out Chef Kim. He was hilarious! We were greeted with a great big Aloha and he proceeded to ask all sorts of questions. He had a pad where he wrote my name, my restrictions and what we decided I wanted to eat. He asked what I liked and I told him I really, really liked the Macadamia nut pancakes; however, I couldn't really eat nuts at the time (b/c of the Crohn's flare) and Chef Kim said he could try, but that I couldn't blame him if it tasted terrible. Well, I can't say I blame him. At least he was honest. I told him, I love the Big Kahuna and he said he would see what he could do. About 10 minutes later, Chef Kim came out with 2 piping hot plates. One for me and one for my mom. He joked how special we were because he doesn't normally run food. I was really impressed with his service! I ended up getting the Big Kahuna modified. He made me scrambled eggs, Mickey waffles, and everything else that comes with the meal. I swear, I got double everything. It was HUGE. Here's what mine looked like: Now here's what my mom's version of the Big Kahuna:
Yep, I did not wind up being hungry. Everything was just great. I definitely recommend this for dietary restrictions; they were very accommodating and very friendly. 10 out of 10.


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