Tusker House -- Table Service -- Animal Kingdom

Jambo from the Tusker House!

My stepdad really loves Donald Duck--he's his favorite character! So, we decided to do breakfast at Tusker House. I've had lunch there GF/CF and had a good experience there, so I knew breakfast would be great. After taking our picture with Donald we headed in for food! We were greeted by Chef Chris who was simply fantastic. We first talked about my allergies and then what options he would make in the back for me. He made me scrambled eggs b/c the ones on the buffet have dairy in them. He also asked if I wanted mickey waffles...um, did someone say mickey waffles?! Bring 'em on!! He also said he'd look in the back to see what GF pastries he had and if they were dairy free (he ended up not having anything, which was fine, I pigged out anyway!). Then he took me around the buffet to point out safe and not safe items. Fruit of course was safe, and I grabbed a lot of pineapple. Also, most of the meats were ok (bacon, sausage, ham, etc.) The yukon gold roasted potatoes were safe as well (and they were awesome). I also grabbed some rice.

Goodies from the buffet line...


Then Chef Chris came out with more food. Holy moley!!! He must have made 6 eggs. It was a huge plate.

That's a lot of scambled eggs!

Then the Mickey Waffles were crazy. Four big waffles with syrup and Earth Balance butter!! hurrah!!!

Mickey waffles galore!

Boy, did I go crazy on the waffles. I scarfed them down and ate about 1/2 of the eggs and then went back up to the buffet for more ham and potatoes. Add Jungle Juice on top of it, and I was one stuff girl. It was all so good though, I couldn't help but eat a lot! Chef Chris even gave me cookies for the road (Enjoy Life brand). Talk about great service!

Cookies for the road!

This was another restaurant were the chefs just went above and beyond. Another 9 out of 10, for simply great service and food. And yes, I will definitely be back!

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Dining Review -- AK Tusker House

I was pleasantly surprise by the vast options available at this buffet. Chef Ricardo introduced himself to me and then walked me around the buffet showing me the different options. They were plentiful and quite adventurous as far as Disney Buffets go. I had to skip the dips and breads (too bad, I could have gone for the hummus!) because they didn't seem to have a GF cracker/bread option. It was also extremely busy, so I did not inquire for an alternative. The salad bar had quite a few options as well. There were a lot of seafood dishes--the salmon was great, as was the seafood curry. There were lots of rice dishes that were safe. The carving station had a wonderful coffee crusted pork tenderloin that was so tender. I had seconds! I was actually not feeling well that day, so I didn't as much as I normally would have, but I still left pretty full and satisfied. Here's a picture of some of the things I tried:

For dessert, Chef Ricardo brought me a plate with pre-made brownies (which were pretty good and very moist), and he also gave me a package of Enjoy Life cookies for the road (it was the day we were leaving, so he said it was a treat for the plane ride). Here's a pic of the desserts:

Overall, this was a pretty good meal, with a lot of options for adventurous eaters with dietary restrictions. 7 out of 10.

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