Dining Review Dining Review

Remy -- Dinner -- Disney Dream

*This gluten free dining experience took place in May 2018.

Dinner at Remy

Remy, a signature dining location on the Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy cruise ships, is the most upscale of any of the restaurants on the Disney Cruise Line (and maybe any cruise ship out there). It's essentially Victoria & Albert's on the high seas, which means it's definitely a special occasion or fancy date night kind of restaurant. Like Palo, Remy is an adults only restaurant and comes with a bit of a hefty price tag at $95 per person for dinner. Of course, when you consider the price of Victoria & Albert's or any other high end restaurant on land, this is actually not a bad price. So, if you're interested in fine dining or just want to channel your inner Ratatouille, we highly recommend Remy if you're sailing on the Disney Dream or Disney Fantasy. It is a quite popular location, so be sure to book in advance when possible. If you don't, there are often openings at Remy for dinner, if you check on during embarkation day.When we were planning our most recent cruise on the Disney Dream, I knew we wanted to dine at least one adults only restaurant. Of course, when we found out that Palo is now offering a brunch on the Nassau port day, having brunch and then dinner at either Palo and Remy seemed like a great option. I asked Brandon, who had never been on the Disney Cruise Line, which restaurant he preferred for dinner. And, he said he'd love to try Remy for the experience alone. And experience we did.Hands down, our meal at Remy was the best dining experience we've ever had in our lives. We both agreed that it was just perfection from the service to the food and everything in between. So, let's take a look at our meal at Remy. Our dinner was 3 hours long, so be prepared for lots of photos and details about this restaurant experience.


Remy is located on Deck 12 of the Disney Dream. From the moment you step into the adults only dining area, you know you're going to experience something special. Both Palo and Remy have very different themes. And, as you'll see, Remy is inpsired not only by the animated film Ratatouille but by classic Art Nouveau designs.Remy SignBesides enjoying dinner here, we also took a free tour during our Nassau day called "The Art of the Theme," which I highly recommend. It took us through areas like Palo, Remy, and other areas on the ship to look at the theming and design. It was about an hour long and so fascinating. While on the tour, we were able to get a lot of photos and a ton of information about the development of both Remy and Palo.Remy Film WinesWhen you enter Remy, you'll notice a large wine cellar to your immediate right. While it might seem like it's just a ton of wine bottles and nothing special, be sure to stop and take a look at these 3 wines shown above. All three of these wines were featured in the animated film Ratatouille and are very rare bottles of wine. In fact, one of them is only 1 of only a handful of bottles left in the world, as it was made during World War II when the wine making was dramatically affected. It's marked at a shocking $25,000. Yikes!Remy Seating AreaRemy offers guests a cozy and intimate dining experience, so the tables are fairly spread out. And, the restaurant does stagger their seating schedule. As you can see from the photo above, the Art Nouveau theme is present in the carpets and general decor. You'll also notice large windows with a panoramic view perfect when you're dining at sunset and sailing on the high seas.Don't forget to use those lovely little stools next to the tables. You can place your cameras, purses, or other small items when you dine here.Remy Seating AreaMost of the tables near the windows have seating for 2 people. But, we saw several larger groups seated there during our meal, as well. The back of the restaurant includes a lot of the larger party tables too.Remy Gasteau RoomBesides the main dining room, Remy also includes the "Gasteau Room" meant to be a replica of Gasteau's from Ratatouille. It's super charming, and the decor is totally different than the main dining room. There are even paintings that are meant to resemble an open kitchen and the Paris skyline.Typically, the Gasteau Room is used for private groups (we were told often for celebrities) because it can be closed off from the main dining room. However, we were also told that you can request to be seated in the Gasteau Room if the room is not booked upon request (and availability).Remy Chair DetailsWhile the adult dining isn't very Disney themed, you will still find some touches. At Remy, this includes tiny Remy carvings in chandeliers, metal-work, and even in the wood on your chairs. How adorable is that?Remy Table at NightHere is a view from our corner table booth (we both thought was the best front table, as it was super cozy) during the first part of our meal. You can see, we had terrific views of the ocean. And, it was gorgeous as sunset began.

The Food

As you can tell, we were both wowed by Remy even before we started eating the food! But, the food definitely took our experience over the top. Let's dive in...Gin and Tonic from Meridian on the Disney DreamIn between Remy and Palo is Meridian -- a lounge used for guests with reservations or those who want a more upscale lounge experience. They also have a gin and tonic cart. As someone who is a huge G&T fan, I had to get one while we waited for our table at Remy. The gin & tonic cart is super fun because you can mix and match not only which gin and tonic you want, but the bartenders will also add in custom botanicals to your drink.Both Brandon and I ordered the Monkey 47 – Schwarzwald Dry Gin. I can't remember the tonic water it was mixed with, but the botanicals included rosemary, cinnamon, lemon, and juniper berries. We were both shocked that this was only $15 a drink, which if you know Disney prices is about average for many of their fancier cocktails. This drink was a super wow and one I would totally get again. Just very flavorful and not overpowering in any way.As an aside, for those who have celiac disease or are concerned about alcohol that might be distilled with grain. Some gins are naturally gluten free while others are distilled with wheat. According to the University of Chicago Celiac Disease and peer-reviewed scientific research, “in pure spirits, the distillation process makes these beverages safe because the protein is removed. However, flavored spirits may contain malt, and should be avoided.” With this in mind, I do drink gin and I feel no adverse reactions. However, if gin does not make you feel great, there are loads of other drinks you can order too.Also, I should mention that Remy offers a signature drink called the Collette (which is champagne and vodka based), but our server Jerome saw that we already had drinks and said he didn't want to overload us with alcohol straight out of the gate and promised to bring something at the end of our meal to cap the occasion. If you're interested in hearing more about the Collette, check out my review of Remy from 2014.Remy Water MenuOnce seated our server Jerome helped us on our way to a decadent meal and great experience. First up, the restaurant will ask if you want to view the fancy water menu. We did opt to order a bottle of Voss still water from Norway. But, you do not have to order off this if you do not want to, as it is an additional upcharge. Simply ask for tap water, and your server will make sure that is available to you complimentary.Water at RemyOne note about the specialty water. If you order this, chances are you'll go through a bottle or two on your visit. Your server will not ask you if you wish to have a second bottle; they'll just typically bring out another one. So, if you're not prepared to buy a few bottles, best to tell your server in advance.Remy Iced TeaOther non-alcoholic drinks in the restaurant are included in your $95 per person charge. I ordered an unsweetened iced tea because I wanted to try out the iced tea ice cubes, which I had also had during my brunch at Palo. What an awesome trick. Your tea won't get diluted, which helps keep the flavor the entire time you're drinking it. Hilariously, we had one specific cast member who brought me tea. As he joked, "I am the special server of tea." Now that is some serious service.Remy Amuse BouchePrior to our meal, Jerome discussed both of our special dietary needs. He noted Brandon's allergies to fish and shellfish and that I had celiac disease. Not only did he assure us we would have plenty of options, but he also took great care at customizing our meals (more on that in a minute).Up first, we were each brought an amuse bouche -- a little taste -- to get us started. At first glance, it looks like a crouton. And, it sort of is. It is a tomato soup cube that when you let it sit on your tongue allowing it to melt without chewing turns into literally tomato soup. It's super fun and a total Willy Wonka type experience. And, even better? They can make it gluten free with GF breadcrumbs. It also happens to be dairy free too!Remy Amuse Bouche - Green CurryBut that wasn't the only amuse bouche we were presented with. Both Brandon and I received a green curry with coconut milk foam. His version included a pappadum type crisp on top, while mine was served without.Goodness gracious this was delicious. I love all things curry, and this was so outstanding. The lemongrass and aromatic flavors from the curry broth were super balanced out by the creamy coconut milk foam. And, the lime zest on top. So good. Even Brandon really enjoyed it, and he's not a big curry fan.Remy King CrabAfter the Amuse Bouche items, our first courses started arriving. As I mentioned, Jerome walked us both through the menu, including the set menus from the chefs of the restaurant (which includes Chef Scott Hunnell from Victoria & Albert's) and the a la carte items. He recommended that my meal be more of the French style while Brandon's was more the American style. We really trusted his recommendations, and he totally didn't steer us wrong.My first course was a King Crab served wrapped in cabbage, with radish, and a dashi broth. It was earthy and sweet all at the same time. The cabbage and crab worked really well together and the broth was super flavorful.Remy Lobster with CornUp next was Lobster and four different types of corn. This had lots of richness from the lobster and sweetness from both the lobster and the corn. It was cool try try different corn presentations from small bits of puree to baby corn. Although absolutely delicious, of the courses it was my "least favorite" which is not really a criticism as the dish was still perfection.Remy Bread ServiceIn between all of this, we were also served bread. Brandon had several different options to choose from, while I was brought out Udi's Gluten Free Baguette sliced. They also served butter with an edible gold powder R etched in. Talk about fancy! It is important to note, you can also get Earth Balance Vegan Buttery Spread at Remy too, upon request. Because I have reintroduced dairy back into my diet, I did not ask for it on this particular visit.Although nice to have a bread option, I personally wouldn't fill up too much on this. There's just too much amazing food to eat to fill up on standard GF bread!Remy FletanFor my third course, I was brought Fletan (or Halibut) with leeks, green onion, mussels, and a mussel broth. Good time of day this was amazing. The fish was just pure perfection in flavor and preparation. And the accompaniments were just so fresh and flavorful. Funnily enough during both of my Remy visits, the halibut was my favorite entree. So, if you like fish, order the halibut at Remy. You won't regret it!Remy Wagyu BeefMy fourth main course was Wagyu beef with celery root, celery, and a decadent sauce. If you are a beef lover, you will enjoy this dish. I gave Brandon a bite of it, and he also thought it was outstanding.Remy Cheese CartAs if we hadn't had enough food at this point, after our main meal courses, the cheese cart was brought to our table. In many fine dining experiences, cheese is brought after your meal as a palate cleanser. In this case, the cheese cart server (yes, there was a separate server of cheese!) already noted my special dietary needs and that some accompaniments would not be safe. But, he took great care and preparing us two plates. One with soft cheeses and one with hard and more powerful cheeses.Remy Hard CheesesUp first is the plate with the hard and more powerful cheeses. This was the plate served to Brandon and includes oh so many stinky cheeses, which he loved.Remy Soft CheesesI was served a plate of soft cheeses that included Brie, Camembert, and Neufchatel. The Neufchatel was by far the one I liked the most.Remy Peruvian ChocolateAnd, we still weren't done with food after all of this. For dessert, Jerome brought us both a serving of Peruvian Chocolate with chocolate tuile, edible gold, and a salted caramel gelato. If you like chocolate, this is a hands down must. It's truly some of the most intensely flavored chocolate dessert I've ever had. The mousse was dense and incredible. Even though I've reintroduced dairy back into my diet, I still avoid ice cream. But, I took one bite of the salted caramel gelato and found it to be quite delicious too.Remember that complimentary drink that Jerome mentioned to us in place of the Collette? It was during dessert that he brought us two flutes of champagne to enjoy. Talk about a nice touch! It was perfect to sip on as we celebrated an amazing cruise and a fantastic last evening on the Disney Dream.Remy Candy CourseAnd, the food was still going even after dessert. Our final course was the candy course. This included several tarts for Brandon, lollipops, soft fruit candies, and chocolate filled with caramel sauce. The lollipops, soft fruit candies, and chocolate were all gluten free.If you like sour patch kids, the soft fruit candies will be up your alley. They were so sour but had a lovely flavor once the sourness dissipated.My favorite was the chocolate. It tasted like a high-end Rollo, and there's nothing wrong with that!Remy NapkinAs we finished up our meal, our server Jerome brought me a Rose to take back to the room with me and presented Brandon with a box of chocolates. Such a lovely touch to end the meal.


Words and photos really can't describe how amazing our meal was at Remy. Our server Jerome was over the top amazing and made the meal just fun. At one point, while we were trying to be discrete taking photos, Jerome told us to take all the photos we wanted. So, that made us super relaxed as we enjoyed it all. Every single cast member in the restaurant that we encountered was also amazing. Truly some of the best service you'll ever have at a restaurant. Add to that some of the most incredible food, and you find yourself with an experience you won't soon forget. While Remy isn't a restaurant that's everyone's speed or taste (there is a dress code required too), for those who think they might want to enjoy a fine dining experience while on the ship, we highly recommend Remy.Have you been to Remy? What was your experience there?

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Remy -- Dinner -- Disney Dream 2014

Remy Sign

Remy Interior Side

Remy Interior

Remy Collette

Remy Amuse-Bouche

Remy Bread and Non Dairy Butter

Remy Ratatouille

Remy Tomato Tarte

Remy Tomato Tarte Broth

Remy Lobster with Chermoula

Remy Black Cod

Remy Halibut and Pea Puree

Remy Duck

Remy Plate

Remy Dessert

Remy Candy Course

Remy Rose

*This dining experience took place in October 2014.As a first time Disney Cruise Line vacationer, I knew that I wanted to take advantage of the adult dining experiences available to guests on board the ship. These include Palo (which I also dined at) and Remy. Both adults only dining experiences are available for guests to book in advance (which we did) or while on the cruise (if still available). Each restaurant comes with an "upcharge" per person -- Palo is $25 per person and Remy is an extravagant $75.Because it was my first cruise, and I'm a foodie, I knew I wanted to dine at Remy. I had read amazing reviews of Remy from my friend Sarah at Eating WDW and Dawn from Mouse Chow. I also knew that Alexis from Gluten Free in Orlando had dined there and said it was one of the best meals she's ever had. Well, that sold me right there! Remy is French inspired - taking it's name from the Pixar film Ratatouille. It's fine dining at its best with luxurious courses and decadent cuisine. Essentially, this is the Disney Cruise Line's version of Victoria & Albert's. Our meal took a full 3 hours, and this review will be pretty lengthy! If you're the drinking sort, now's the time to pour yourself a glass of wine for this review read!We ended up dining at Remy on our embarkation day. With a reservation at 6 p.m., my mom and I packed our dress clothes in our carry on's just in case our luggage arrived in our stateroom late. Remy's dress code is fairly fancy (cocktail dresses and pantsuits), and in hindsight we would have been better off dining there on day two or three of our cruise so that we felt less rushed on day one.After we gussied up, we made our way to Remy, located on deck 12 (and a bit of a challenge to find the first time!). The lobby area of Remy is shared with the other adult dining, along with the Meridian Lounge. While we waited for our table, we sat in the lounge (meeting up with our friends who were dining at Palo that evening), taking in all the views and ambiance.The head server of Remy, David, came to seat us. We were both blown away by the elegant decor and refined look of the restaurant. The touches from Ratatouille were subtle and charming. We had an amazing view of the ocean from our table.The restaurant knew of my special dietary needs ahead of time and were well prepared for me, noting right away that they knew I was gluten free and dairy free and not to worry as they had lots of options available for my meal. This was one of those touches that both Remy and Palo had and that I really appreciated about the adult dining experiences.Our server Andre came to our table to prepare the cocktail "Collette" table-side. It's Remy's signature cocktail and is brought complimentary to your table as a welcome to the restaurant. Made with Taittinger Champagne and pear vodka, then garnished with fresh raspberry, dried apricot, and mint leaf, it looks and sounds sumptuous. Andre said that they would make me a safe version (interestingly, the dried apricot contains gluten). Essentially, I had champagne with a few garnishes. It was delicious!As we enjoyed our cocktail, Andre went over the menu at Remy. Remy's menu was created by Chef Arnaud Lallement, a Michelin 3-star chef whose famed restaurant is located outside of Reims, France, and Chef Scott Hunnel from award-winning Victoria & Albert's at Walt Disney World Resort. So when I say it's decadent, I'm definitely not kidding.The menu features a la carte options and two tasting menus created by both chefs - Saveur created by Chef Arnaud and Gout created by Chef Scott. You are able to mix and match, creating your own menu or choosing the prix fixe menus as is.Andre suggested that they combine both of these menus for me, with most of my options coming from Saveur with a few chosen from Gout. All of Andre's suggestions sounded great to me, except the duck. I'm not a huge duck fan, so I was skeptical. However, I told him I would give it a try, being adventurous. My mom also chose to mix and match tastings.Before our first course, we were treated to an amuse-bouche (bite-size hors d'œuvre). Remy is famous for their tomato soup cube amuse-bouche. I figured as a gluten free and dairy free diner that this one would be off-limits for me. And when our server brought out two of them to our table, I assumed this was a mistake. However, I was beyond thrilled when they told me that the restaurant had a special version for me using gluten free breadcrumbs.The server suggested we let it cool for 1-2 minutes, then place it in our mouth allowing it to melt without chewing (and FYI, don't bite down on it; you will have tomato soup explosion in your mouth - most unpleasant!).Dawn from Mouse Chow likened this to a Willy Wonka-esque experience and that is the perfect way to describe it. It literally exploded tomato soup in your mouth. Such a crazy and delicious experience. Starting the meal off with this certainly put our meal on a high note (bonus points to Remy for using gluten free breadcrumbs)Next up was our bread course. My mom enjoyed a variety of delicious breads, while I was served an Ener-G roll. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't do anything to this, except heat it up, as Alexis from Gluten Free in Orlando had an amazing version of the bread when she dined there. I will give the team bonus points for providing me with non-dairy butter. Adding coarse sea salt to the non-dairy butter made the Ener-G roll more palatable.Before our traditional tasting courses began, we were also treated to Remy's version of Ratatouille. My mom's version came with olive oil gelato which looked amazing. Mine came with a cherry tomato and some additional garnishes. This dish was light and fresh and the seasonings were perfectly balanced.My first dish was the tomato tarte. At first glance, it's beautiful but doesn't look like anything particularly special; however, it's the accompaniment that really brings the dish to a magical (and another Willy Wonka-esque) experience.Served with a glass of "essence," this cold broth was the key to unlocking this dish's unique flavors. I was instructed to take a sip of this cold broth first, then take a bit of the tomato dish presented to me. Repeating these steps would create a unique tasting and bring all of the components together.Now, I have to say the broth was out of this world. The amount of rich flavor in this was beyond compare. Adding the bites of tomato and tomato puree created another dimension and a taste I couldn't quite put my finger on. Andre said most people say it reminds them of deconstructed gazpacho, and I immediately recognized that familiar taste as soon as he mentioned this. This dish and the amuse-bouche were my most memorable dishes of the meal, creativity and taste.Up next came the lobster with chermoula. My mother had this as her first course, and she raved about it, so I was glad this came as a second course for me. The lobster was light and sweet and the chermoula was spicy and robust. Combined together, it made for a really flavorful course.Both my mother and I both had black cod as our next course. My mom is not a fish eater but she likes cod, so this seemed a good fit for her. I adore all fish, so I was happy to have a very seafood heavy tasting. Served with parsnips and a clam jus (mine made dairy free), this dish was excellent. It had a lot of earthy, umami flavors to it, particularly from the clam jus. The parsnips were divine. The cod itself was like butter, falling apart very easily.Now, this is where our meal took a slight turn. My mom found something in her fish that was both unpleasant and unappetizing (not a bone). While I won't go into too many specifics (suffice it to say, it was not particularly pleasant), the restaurant did take both of our plates away, bringing us a substitute course for the cod. It's a shame because the cod was delicious, though on the upside I was given what turned out to be my favorite course of the night.My substitute course was halibut served with a pea puree and a pea sauce. The halibut itself was perfectly seasoned and cooked. The pea puree and the pea sauce were the stars of this dish filled with intense pea flavor and containing a touch of brightness from lemon juice. The radish was a nice accompaniment, but for me, this dish was all about the peas. This dish was perfection.My last meat course was the duck. Served with fennel, oranges and sweet potatoes; it was reminiscent of duck a l'Orange. I'm not a huge fennel fan, but this was very subtle. The orange sauce and orange segments were delicious and paired well with the duck. The duck itself was well cooked and didn't taste as gamey as I often find duck. The sweet potatoes were bananas good, and I wished there would have been more on my plate.While I would say this was probably my least favorite dish of the meal, it was still expertly prepared and quite delicious. I'm just not a duck person.The next course was a cheese course. Sadly, I was not able to enjoy this one. I was surprised the restaurant didn't bring me something else as a palate cleanser to enjoy while my mom ate her cheese course (which she said was amazing). It's a bit of a bummer to be served an empty plate! Not that I was hungry, but it would have been nice to see that added touch.For my dessert course, I was served a fresh fruit salad. It was beautifully garnished with edible gold leaf and flowers. However, I didn't find this to be anything spectacular. The diced fruit was dressed with a bit of juice and black pepper. It was pleasant and a nice palate cleanser but I would have loved to have been given something decadent like my mom's chocolate dessert.The next evening we dined at Palo, and they made me a spectacular dessert that wasn't as pretty as this one but blew it away with taste.Next up was a candy course. My mom was served a huge platter of chocolates and other candies. Because of not being able to have dairy, I was brought 2 homemade marshmallows and 2 homemade lollypops. I was glad to see that I had these as options, though I would have loved to have been given a few more marshmallows to make up for the fact that I couldn't eat the chocolates. The marshmallows were delicious, and I could have eaten about a dozen of them, easy.During this course, I also ordered tea. They had several loose-leaf teas to choose from including the Monkey Picked Oolong which is what I chose. It was fresh and earthy and the perfect accompaniment to the sweet marshmallows. My mom chose coffee and said it was the best coffee she had on the ship.As our 3 hour meal came to a close, we were presented with roses and a box of chocolates for my mom. This is another one of those touches that I'd love to see Remy extend to those who have special dietary needs. It would have been lovely to take a box of marshmallows back to my stateroom with me.Overall, despite one hiccup in the meal, we found Remy to be an outstanding restaurant and an amazing experience. The food was beyond compare and the service was exemplary. I was impressed by how they handled my special diets and found the meal to be a once in a lifetime experience spent with my mom. I wouldn't say that I would dine at Remy on every cruise (certainly not at $75 a person) but it's a wonderful spot for a special occasion.For adult dining at a more reasonable price, I highly recommend Palo, and will be reviewing it here on the site, as well.I'm so glad I went to Remy and look forward to going back there again. I'd love to try the brunch sometime, as I've heard it's amazing. Have you been to Remy on the Disney Dream? What did you think of your experience there?

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Remy -- Dinner -- Disney Dream 2014

*This dining experience took place in October 2014.Remy SignAs a first time Disney Cruise Line vacationer, I knew that I wanted to take advantage of the adult dining experiences available to guests on board the ship. These include Palo (which I also dined at) and Remy. Both adults only dining experiences are available for guests to book in advance (which we did) or while on the cruise (if still available). Each restaurant comes with an "upcharge" per person -- Palo is $25 per person and Remy is an extravagant $75.Because it was my first cruise, and I'm a foodie, I knew I wanted to dine at Remy. I had read amazing reviews of Remy from my friend Sarah at Eating WDW and Dawn from Mouse Chow. I also knew that Alexis from Gluten Free in Orlando had dined there and said it was one of the best meals she's ever had. Well, that sold me right there! Remy is French inspired - taking it's name from the Pixar film Ratatouille. It's fine dining at its best with luxurious courses and decadent cuisine. Essentially, this is the Disney Cruise Line's version of Victoria & Albert's. Our meal took a full 3 hours, and this review will be pretty lengthy! If you're the drinking sort, now's the time to pour yourself a glass of wine for this review read!We ended up dining at Remy on our embarkation day. With a reservation at 6 p.m., my mom and I packed our dress clothes in our carry on's just in case our luggage arrived in our stateroom late. Remy's dress code is fairly fancy (cocktail dresses and pantsuits), and in hindsight we would have been better off dining there on day two or three of our cruise so that we felt less rushed on day one.Remy Interior SideAfter we gussied up, we made our way to Remy, located on deck 12 (and a bit of a challenge to find the first time!). The lobby area of Remy is shared with the other adult dining, along with the Meridian Lounge. While we waited for our table, we sat in the lounge (meeting up with our friends who were dining at Palo that evening), taking in all the views and ambiance.The head server of Remy, David, came to seat us. We were both blown away by the elegant decor and refined look of the restaurant. The touches from Ratatouille were subtle and charming. We had an amazing view of the ocean from our table.Remy InteriorThe restaurant knew of my special dietary needs ahead of time and were well prepared for me, noting right away that they knew I was gluten free and dairy free and not to worry as they had lots of options available for my meal. This was one of those touches that both Remy and Palo had and that I really appreciated about the adult dining experiences.Our server Andre came to our table to prepare the cocktail "Collette" table-side. It's Remy's signature cocktail and is brought complimentary to your table as a welcome to the restaurant. Made with Taittinger Champagne and pear vodka, then garnished with fresh raspberry, dried apricot, and mint leaf, it looks and sounds sumptuous. Remy ColletteAndre said that they would make me a safe version (interestingly, the dried apricot contains gluten). Essentially, I had champagne with a few garnishes. It was delicious!As we enjoyed our cocktail, Andre went over the menu at Remy. Remy's menu was created by Chef Arnaud Lallement, a Michelin 3-star chef whose famed restaurant is located outside of Reims, France, and Chef Scott Hunnel from award-winning Victoria & Albert's at Walt Disney World Resort. So when I say it's decadent, I'm definitely not kidding.The menu features a la carte options and two tasting menus created by both chefs - Saveur created by Chef Arnaud and Gout created by Chef Scott. You are able to mix and match, creating your own menu or choosing the prix fixe menus as is.Andre suggested that they combine both of these menus for me, with most of my options coming from Saveur with a few chosen from Gout. All of Andre's suggestions sounded great to me, except the duck. I'm not a huge duck fan, so I was skeptical. However, I told him I would give it a try, being adventurous. My mom also chose to mix and match tastings.Before our first course, we were treated to an amuse-bouche (bite-size hors d'œuvre). Remy is famous for their tomato soup cube amuse-bouche. I figured as a gluten free and dairy free diner that this one would be off-limits for me. And when our server brought out two of them to our table, I assumed this was a mistake. However, I was beyond thrilled when they told me that the restaurant had a special version for me using gluten free breadcrumbs.Remy Amuse-BoucheThe server suggested we let it cool for 1-2 minutes, then place it in our mouth allowing it to melt without chewing (and FYI, don't bite down on it; you will have tomato soup explosion in your mouth - most unpleasant!).Dawn from Mouse Chow likened this to a Willy Wonka-esque experience and that is the perfect way to describe it. It literally exploded tomato soup in your mouth. Such a crazy and delicious experience. Starting the meal off with this certainly put our meal on a high note (bonus points to Remy for using gluten free breadcrumbs)Remy Bread and Non Dairy ButterNext up was our bread course. My mom enjoyed a variety of delicious breads, while I was served an Ener-G roll. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't do anything to this, except heat it up, as Alexis from Gluten Free in Orlando had an amazing version of the bread when she dined there. I will give the team bonus points for providing me with non-dairy butter. Adding coarse sea salt to the non-dairy butter made the Ener-G roll more palatable.Remy RatatouilleBefore our traditional tasting courses began, we were also treated to Remy's version of Ratatouille. My mom's version came with olive oil gelato which looked amazing. Mine came with a cherry tomato and some additional garnishes. This dish was light and fresh and the seasonings were perfectly balanced.Remy Tomato TarteMy first dish was the tomato tarte. At first glance, it's beautiful but doesn't look like anything particularly special; however, it's the accompaniment that really brings the dish to a magical (and another Willy Wonka-esque) experience.Remy Tomato Tarte BrothServed with a glass of "essence," this cold broth was the key to unlocking this dish's unique flavors. I was instructed to take a sip of this cold broth first, then take a bit of the tomato dish presented to me. Repeating these steps would create a unique tasting and bring all of the components together.Now, I have to say the broth was out of this world. The amount of rich flavor in this was beyond compare. Adding the bites of tomato and tomato puree created another dimension and a taste I couldn't quite put my finger on. Andre said most people say it reminds them of deconstructed gazpacho, and I immediately recognized that familiar taste as soon as he mentioned this. This dish and the amuse-bouche were my most memorable dishes of the meal, creativity and taste.Remy Lobster with ChermoulaUp next came the lobster with chermoula. My mother had this as her first course, and she raved about it, so I was glad this came as a second course for me. The lobster was light and sweet and the chermoula was spicy and robust. Combined together, it made for a really flavorful course.Remy Black CodBoth my mother and I both had black cod as our next course. My mom is not a fish eater but she likes cod, so this seemed a good fit for her. I adore all fish, so I was happy to have a very seafood heavy tasting. Served with parsnips and a clam jus (mine made dairy free), this dish was excellent. It had a lot of earthy, umami flavors to it, particularly from the clam jus. The parsnips were divine. The cod itself was like butter, falling apart very easily.Now, this is where our meal took a slight turn. My mom found something in her fish that was both unpleasant and unappetizing (not a bone). While I won't go into too many specifics (suffice it to say, it was not particularly pleasant), the restaurant did take both of our plates away, bringing us a substitute course for the cod. It's a shame because the cod was delicious, though on the upside I was given what turned out to be my favorite course of the night.Remy Halibut and Pea PureeMy substitute course was halibut served with a pea puree and a pea sauce. The halibut itself was perfectly seasoned and cooked. The pea puree and the pea sauce were the stars of this dish filled with intense pea flavor and containing a touch of brightness from lemon juice. The radish was a nice accompaniment, but for me, this dish was all about the peas. This dish was perfection.Remy DuckMy last meat course was the duck. Served with fennel, oranges and sweet potatoes; it was reminiscent of duck a l'Orange. I'm not a huge fennel fan, but this was very subtle. The orange sauce and orange segments were delicious and paired well with the duck. The duck itself was well cooked and didn't taste as gamey as I often find duck. The sweet potatoes were bananas good, and I wished there would have been more on my plate.While I would say this was probably my least favorite dish of the meal, it was still expertly prepared and quite delicious. I'm just not a duck person.Remy PlateThe next course was a cheese course. Sadly, I was not able to enjoy this one. I was surprised the restaurant didn't bring me something else as a palate cleanser to enjoy while my mom ate her cheese course (which she said was amazing). It's a bit of a bummer to be served an empty plate! Not that I was hungry, but it would have been nice to see that added touch.Remy DessertFor my dessert course, I was served a fresh fruit salad. It was beautifully garnished with edible gold leaf and flowers. However, I didn't find this to be anything spectacular. The diced fruit was dressed with a bit of juice and black pepper. It was pleasant and a nice palate cleanser but I would have loved to have been given something decadent like my mom's chocolate dessert.The next evening we dined at Palo, and they made me a spectacular dessert that wasn't as pretty as this one but blew it away with taste.Remy Candy CourseNext up was a candy course. My mom was served a huge platter of chocolates and other candies. Because of not being able to have dairy, I was brought 2 homemade marshmallows and 2 homemade lollypops. I was glad to see that I had these as options, though I would have loved to have been given a few more marshmallows to make up for the fact that I couldn't eat the chocolates. The marshmallows were delicious, and I could have eaten about a dozen of them, easy.During this course, I also ordered tea. They had several loose-leaf teas to choose from including the Monkey Picked Oolong which is what I chose. It was fresh and earthy and the perfect accompaniment to the sweet marshmallows. My mom chose coffee and said it was the best coffee she had on the ship.Remy RoseAs our 3 hour meal came to a close, we were presented with roses and a box of chocolates for my mom. This is another one of those touches that I'd love to see Remy extend to those who have special dietary needs. It would have been lovely to take a box of marshmallows back to my stateroom with me.Overall, despite one hiccup in the meal, we found Remy to be an outstanding restaurant and an amazing experience. The food was beyond compare and the service was exemplary. I was impressed by how they handled my special diets and found the meal to be a once in a lifetime experience spent with my mom. I wouldn't say that I would dine at Remy on every cruise (certainly not at $75 a person) but it's a wonderful spot for a special occasion.For adult dining at a more reasonable price, I highly recommend Palo, and will be reviewing it here on the site, as well.I'm so glad I went to Remy and look forward to going back there again. I'd love to try the brunch sometime, as I've heard it's amazing. Have you been to Remy on the Disney Dream? What did you think of your experience there? 

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