Star Wars Character Breakfast at Sci-Fi Dine-In 2015 — Table Service — Hollywood Studios

*This dining experience took place in May 2015.Note: The Star Wars™ Dine-In Galactic Breakfast is a special character dining experience that took place during the 2015 Star Wars™ Weekends.Sci Fi Galactic Dine In ScreenLast year, Star Wars™ Weekends at Disney's Hollywood Studios offered several new meal experiences: Star Wars™ Dine-In Galactic Breakfast and Jedi Mickey’s Star Wars™ Dine at Hollywood and Vine. I dined at both locations and had a great time, especially at the Star Wars™ Dine-In Galactic Breakfast at Sci-Fi Dine In! For the 2015 Star Wars™ Weekends, we decided to make reservations for the Sci-Fi Dine-In Galactic breakfast for the first Star Wars™ Weekend. We were excited to get into the weekend spirit with a terrific early morning breakfast. Before we arrived, we made sure to get our ride on. Nothing says Star Wars™ Weekends like an 8 a.m. ride on Star Tours! After our flight to Endor, we headed to the Sci-Fi Dine-In. The check-in area was busy, but we only had a short wait (about 10 minutes or "light speed" in Star Wars-speak) before we were moved to the photo line. The Star Wars™ Dine-In Galactic Breakfast is pricey $49.99 per person (for adults) and $31.99 per child (under 9), but we found that for a once a year experience to us, it was worth it. First up, before you get seated, you get moved to a photo opportunity with Boba Fett and Darth Vader (who are not walking around the dining area). Last year this photo opportunity was included with your dining experience; however, as I later learned -- this year it was not. That was a bummer because if I had known I would have asked to have the Photopass photographer take a photo on my iPhone. Boba Fett and Darth Vader really got into character and before you knew it, Boba Fett was pushing you out of the way...Puts a whole new meaning to the Star Wars quote "Move along, nothing to see here." Sci-Fi Dine is set to resemble an old drive-in, so you get to sit in "cars." I love the atmosphere and the big screen showing Star Wars™film clips is really fun! They even showed previews from the latest Star Wars™film coming out in December 2015. Sci Fi Dine In Gluten Free MenuAfter being seated, I was presented with a gluten free and nut free menu for breakfast. Because I am also dairy free, the server said they would get the chef to go over options. The breakfast was very similar to last year's offerings, so I had a good sense of what might be available. I didn't ask about the waffles, but last year they were Van's gluten free waffles, not the allergy Mickey waffles I adore. If you're curious about where to find allergy Mickey waffles at Disney, check out my Allergy Mickey waffles location guideSci Fi Dine In Gluten Free MenuI decided to order the Tatooine Sunrise, which is what I ordered last year. However, I subbed out the regular scrambled eggs with the eggs, crab and asparagus from the Dune Sea entree. I also asked for a side of the paprika dusted shrimp from the shrimp & grits entree, which I got last year (and were delicious). You can read the full gluten free and nut free menu offerings at Sci-Fi Dine In Galactic Breakfast on the menu page (including the kids menu).Sci Fi Dine InWhile waiting for our first course, which was breakfast pastries, we took in the sights and sounds of the Sci-Fi Dine In! And of course, several characters including Storm Troopers, Jawas, and Greedo were wandering about throughout the meal to take photos, sign autographs, and (in the case of those pesky Jawas) trading shiny things! Star Wars Weekends Sci FiThe breakfast at the Star Wars™ Dine-In Galactic Breakfast is a la carte with several courses brought to your table. Up first is a pastry course. I was served three items:

I was brought the plate before the chef could explain, so make sure to ask if you are unsure about products. As a side note, it's really dark in Sci-Fi Dine In, so as a part of your meal, you get a light saber glo stick! Of course, photos require a lot of flash, so be prepared. Sci Fi Breakfast PastriesThe next course served is fruit or a yogurt parfait. Since yogurt is out for me, the only dairy free option is fresh fruit. Last year, they offered a fruit bowl that was almost entirely melon. Sure, the Melon shaped Yoda head was adorable but melon is not my personal favorite. In fact, it's my least favorite fruit. I asked if I could get mixed fruit or strawberries and was brought a fresh bowl of strawberries for my fruit option. Fruit Sci Fi Dine In BreakfastWhile we were waiting for our entree, our friends the Jawas decided to make an appearance (they stopped by twice at our table; they knew a good trading group when they found it). Jawas like shiny things (last year, they brought me a spoon... because well, it's shiny!) and they loveStar Wars™ inspired items. Case in point, last year we traded Star Wars™Magic Band decor. This year, it was all about pin trading, and the first round we got a Phineas & Ferb pin, which got later traded for a Star Wars™ coin/medallion. Remember folks, there's no harm in trying to trade up with the Jawas. Jawas Sci Fi BreakfastMy entree and side dish arrived, and good thing -- I was as hungry as a Wookie. The bacon and sausage were delicious (no stringy Disney bacon there!) and the roasted potatoes with garlic were just as delicious as the year before. The crab and asparagus scrambled eggs were yummy, and something I'd definitely get again. And the shrimp was equally delicious. Sci-Fi Dine In BreakfastThroughout the meal, we took photo breaks with Greedo and the Storm Troopers. Though, I had to keep telling the Storm Troopers that my breakfast was "not the breakfast they were looking for." Those silly Storm Troopers never learned...Sci Fi Galactic BreakfastGreedo Sci Fi Dine InLast year's breakfast ended with a special dessert, which was not included at this year's breakfast. I don't think any of us missed it, as we were all pretty much feeling like Jaba the Hutt after our breakfast. We definitely did not go hungry.Overall, my family loves this special breakfast experience at Sci-Fi Dine In during Star Wars™ Weekends. It's one we'll continue to go to every year because we had so much fun! I was pleased to see the new gluten free and nut free menu this year and hope they continue to improve the offerings each year! If you want to read more about the breakfast and see other photos, check out the Disney Food Blog for non-special diets related info from last yearHave you been to the Star Wars™ Dine-In Galactic Breakfast? What did you think of the offerings? 

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Star Wars Character Breakfast at Sci-Fi Dine-In 2014 -- Table Service -- Hollywood Studios

*This dining experience took place in June 2014.Note: The Star Wars™ Dine-In Galactic Breakfast is a special character dining experience that took place during the 2014 Star Wars™ Weekends.Star Wars Galactic Dine-InThis year's Star Wars™ Weekends offered several new meal experiences: Star Wars™ Dine-In Galactic Breakfast and Jedi Mickey’s Star Wars™ Dine at Hollywood and Vine. Of course, as soon as I heard the announcement about these two meals, I had to make sure to go to both of them. They sounded like awesome events and as a Star Wars™ fan, they were totally up my alley.My family and I attended the Jedi Mickey’s Star Wars™ Dine at Hollywood and Vine during the first Star Wars™ Weekends in May and had a great time. I was pleased to see the special diets offerings available and really enjoyed the experience. We had heard tons of buzz about the character breakfast at Sci-Fi Dine In and were really excited to check it out! First up, I have to say that this was a very popular breakfast. When we got there during our visit at 8:30 a.m. it was pretty packed. Our reservation wasn't until 9:10 a.m. but we checked in and figured we'd just hang out and take in the atmosphere (we'd already rode Star Tours at 8 a.m. so bonus for us. Nothing says Star Wars™ Weekends like riding Star Tours early on in the day!). Imagine our surprise when we got called about 10 minutes later. Talk about going light speed to our breakfast! Before our breakfast, we took a minute to pose with Darth Vader and Boba Fett. My family were wearing Rebel Spy t-shirts which did NOT make Darth Vader happy. And Boba Fett decided he wasn't too thrilled with me either. The reactions they gave us were priceless. Then it was off to the Sci-Fi Dine In dining area where we took in the sights and transformation which suited the character meal really well. Sci-Fi Dine In Star Wars WeekendsOn the screen, you got to watch Star Wars clips and even the special 1978 Christmas Special. Talk about awesome and corny all at the same time.  Our server greeted us and the very first thing she asked was, "Does anybody have an allergy or special dietary need." This was great because they made sure to ask right away. She took our drink orders and then got the chef while we looked over the menus and check out our surroundings.Sci Fi Dine InBreakfast is a fixed price and includes a plate of breakfast pastries per guest, a choice of fruit & yogurt with granola or just fruit, an entree, and drinks of your choice. There's also a special dessert surprise, but more on that later...The chef greeted me with a plate of breakfast pastries knowing that I couldn't have gluten or dairy. I have to say, it's really hard to see what you're getting on your plate, so taking a picture was about the only way I could identify my treats. I got an Udi's blueberry muffin and chocolate chip muffin, and a Kinnikinnick cinnamon sugar donut. All things I really enjoy! Breakfast Pastries at Sci Fi Dine In during Star Wars WeekendsI was also served fresh fruit with some cute Star Wars inspired cut-outs. Yoda as melon...adorable! If your'e like me and not a melon fan...beware. The fruit salad is mostly honeydew and other melons. Not really my most favorite. I could go for grapes, pineapple and strawberries, but as with most fruit cups, they weren't too plentiful. Fruit Salad at Sci-Fi Dine In during Star Wars WeekendsAnother great feature of the clips is that they show Star Wars™ Weekends specific things, like weekend host James Arnold Taylor and even information about characters walking around. It was all perfectly themed, and I have to say really made the meal experience feel special. Sci Fi Dine In during Star Wars WeekendsFor my entree, I ordered the Tatooine Sunrise which included bacon, sausage (which I exchanged for extra bacon), scrambled eggs, and breakfast potatoes. The potatoes that normally come with it contain dairy, so I was given garlic roasted fingerling potatoes. And they were delicious! Very well seasoned and cooked. The rest of the meal was good. I wouldn't say anything special but well cooked and hearty. Enough to feed a Wookie, that's for sure. Tatooine Sunrise at Sci Fi Dine In during Star Wars WeekendsAnd speaking of more food...I asked if there were any other options available to me for gluten free and dairy free breakfast. They did carry Van's waffles, which I opted to skip. I like Van's but they aren't the same as my beloved allergy Mickey waffles. I did however, order a side of the shrimp that accompanies the shrimp and grits. And these were a yummy and delicious add on to my meal!  Side of Shrimp at Sci Fi Dine in during Star Wars WeekendsThroughout our meal, we were treated to Star Wars™ music and film clips and also got to meet lots of Star Wars™ characters. One caveat, lighting in Sci-Fi Dine In can be a challenge. My mom got a shot of me and Greedo but the flash wasn't on. The photo turned out pretty dark, which I had originally posted here, but thanks to reader Ron G., who worked some Disney pixie dust on it, it looks awesome! (Thanks, Ron!!)Sarah with Greedo at Sci Fi Dine In Star Wars WeekendsStormtroopers were around a lot. As I said quite frequently to them, "This is not the breakfast you are looking for!" Of course, they really got into things and lots of stormtrooper hijinks ensued!  Stormtrooper at Sci Fi Dine In during Star Wars WeekendsOnce we finished our meal, we were also treated to a special dessert. Another nice touch was that this cast member also asked about special dietary needs. Unfortunately, the dessert contained dairy (but it was gluten free!). I was able to get a bowl of fresh strawberries. My family did like the dessert, it seems like it was a pudding/custard of some type with pop rock type fruit in them. Talk about a galactic treat!  Sci Fi Dine In Dessert Surprise during Star Wars WeekendsJawas sign at Sci Fi Dine In during Star Wars WeekendsPerhaps my most favorite thing about the character breakfast were the Jawas. Omigosh. Were these guys adorable! They roamed the character breakfast and yes, if you had something shiny and interesting, they were into trading with you. My family decided to see what would entice the Jawas and they sure do like Star Wars™ bling. My stepdad traded them a Magic Band Star Wars™ gadget, and they were pretty thrilled. Jawa at Sci Fi Dine in during Star Wars WeekendsOne thing is that they don't talk, and you have to translate what they say by their gestures. It took me entirely too long to figure out this Jawa needed to go get the other Jawa's trading pouch. Yep, clearly I needed C3P0 because I do not speak Jawa! When they returned, they made the trade (a shiny limited edition cast member pin) and a spoon. Because apparently, I needed a spoon. Thanks Jawas!  Spoon from the Jawas at Sci Fi Dine In During Star Wars WeekendsOverall, I had a fabulous time at the breakfast. In fact, the whole family thought out of the two character meals this was by far and away our favorite. It wasn't cheap by any means at nearly $50 but for a once a year experience, we would definitely do it again. It had nice gluten free and dairy free meal options, and the food was quite good too. I give this Star Wars™ character meal a solid 8 out of 10. By far and away of our favorite things to do during Star Wars™ Weekends 2014. And those Jawas? They totally made the meal too! Have you been to the Star Wars™ Character Breakfast at Sci-Fi Dine In? 

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