Dining Review Dining Review

Royal Palace Lunch Review on the Disney Dream

Royal Palace always feels like our home restaurant when we're cruising on the Disney Dream. That's because we tend to eat there quite a few times for a la carte breakfast and lunches throughout our sailing. On our recent May cruise on the Disney Dream, we ate there several times, including once for lunch. I had already had breakfast there that morning. So, we had a late lunch after a relaxing few hours in the Rainforest Room in Senses Spa. It's a great way to rest, relax, and recharge. And, after our time there, we decide a refuel at lunch was in order.

*This gluten free dining experience took place in May 2019. It includes information about peanut free, fish/shellfish free, and chicken and turkey free options.

Lunch at Royal Palace

Royal Palace always feels like our home restaurant when we're cruising on the Disney Dream. That's because we tend to eat there quite a few times for a la carte breakfast and lunches throughout our sailing. On our recent May cruise on the Disney Dream, we ate there several times, including once for lunch. I had already had breakfast there that morning. So, we had a late lunch after a relaxing few hours in the Rainforest Room in Senses Spa. It's a great way to rest, relax, and recharge. And, after our time there, we decide a refuel at lunch was in order.


As I mentioned in my breakfast review of Royal Palace, the restaurant is themed after Disney princesses.

Royal Palace Seating / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Royal Palace Seating / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

The restaurant has a very different feel to it during the day time. And, we both really enjoy how relaxed and low-key it is. We went closer to the end of lunch service, so it was quite empty. But, our overall service and experience were still beyond excellent.

Royal Palace Seat View / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Royal Palace Seat View / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

We were docked in Nassau, Bahamas that day, and so our view wasn't the most amazing, it was still nice to have a window seat with some views outside.

Royal Palace Seating

Royal Palace Seating / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Our table was also in a nice cozy corner, which we really appreciated. It was nice to just relax and not feel rushed during our lunch.

The Food

On this cruise, we didn't pre-order any of our lunches, as we have on previous cruises. Both of us agreed that you don't really need to pre-order a meal, unless you have a really special request. We have found the restaurants to be really accommodating even with all of our special dietary needs.

Royal Palace Lunch - Allergy Friendly Rolls

Royal Palace Lunch / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

We were each brought a bread service -- I was served the Ener-G allergy-friendly rolls, which are gluten free, dairy free and free of the top common allergens and vegan. During lunch, they weren't that well-heated. But, if you can get them well-heated, they are always a nice accompaniment to any meal.

Royal Palace / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Royal Palace / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Brandon was given the regular bread service as the bread was peanut free. He wasn't too keen on the bread throughout our cruise and felt that the gluten free rolls were sometimes better than the gluten-filled ones he was served.

Royal Palace - Ahi Tuna Nicoise

Royal Palace / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

For my appetizer, I ordered the Ahi Tuna Nicoise which is marked gluten free and dairy free on the Royal Palace lunch menu. This has been a go-to appetizer for me on several cruises now. I really love the fresh flavors and how light is is. It's a great way to start a meal or as a main entree if you're feeling like eating light.

Royal Palace Lunch - Meat & Cheese

Royal Palace Lunch / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Brandon started with the Sliced Serrano Ham with Manchego Cheese and Tomato Bread. This was fish/shellfish free, peanut free, and chicken & turkey free. Overall, he really enjoyed the meat and cheese portion of this appetizer but wasn't as keen on the tomato bread. He's ordered this on several cruises too and enjoys it quite a bit. If you're gluten free, they can make this GF by omitting the bread.

Royal Palace / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Royal Palace / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

My friend Alexis from Alexis's Gluten Free Adventures had posted about some really tasting looking allergy-friendly chicken tenders on her Baja cruise on the Disney Wonder. They looked totally different than any of the ones that you can get at Disney World, so I knew I had to try them on our cruise.

I was able to order allergy-friendly chicken tenders, French fries, and steamed vegetables during lunch. The tenders and fries are made in a dedicate fryer to avoid cross-contamination. Overall, I was so happy I ordered these. There were super crispy and really delicious.

In hindsight, I should have asked what brand they were using. But, I was enjoying them too much and too relaxed and just plain forgot! I will absolutely be ordering these again and investigating where else I can order them on the ship. I have heard that you can get them at Cabanas, Flo's Cafe, all of the main rotational dining restaurants, and through room service.

Royal Palace / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Royal Palace / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Brandon really wanted to get the lamb burger on the Royal Palace lunch menu, but it contained fish in the burger patty, so it could not be modified. Instead, he got the Classic Cheeseburger and French fries. His fries were also made in a dedicated fryer, and the entire meal was fish/shellfish free, peanut free, and chicken & turkey free. Brandon did enjoy the burger but said it wasn't anything too special.

Royal Palace Lunch / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Royal Palace Lunch / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

For my dessert, I was served the allergy-friendly dessert of the day -- a vanilla cake with vanilla frosting layers, raspberry non-dairy whipped topping, and fresh fruit. This was gluten free, dairy free, vegan, and free of the top common allergens. Overall, I really enjoyed this. The cake was a little dry and dense, but the light and airy raspberry whipped cream on it was fantastic and really made the dessert. I would definitely order this dessert again.

Royal Palace / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Royal Palace / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

For his dessert, Brandon was served the Italian Style Ice Cream Sundae with Dulce de Leche Ice Cream, Caramel Sauce, and Whipped Cream. This was peanut free, and I believe he did not have the biscotti crumble that is normally in the sundae included in the version he was served. Brandon is not a huge dessert person, so while I think he enjoyed it, I'm not sure it's something he'd go out of his way to order.


Royal Palace for lunch continues to be our preferred way to enjoy lunch when we're dining aboard the Disney Dream. It's low-key and relaxed and gives us a lot of options and flexibility for our special dietary needs. I think I may have found my go-to lunch choices on this visit too!

Have you been to Royal Palace on the Disney Dream for lunch? What did you think of the options available to you?

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Animator’s Palate Dinner Review on the Disney Dream

*This gluten free dining experience took place in October 2018. It includes notes about dairy free options too.

Dinner at Animator’s Palate

Animator's Palate is one of the three main rotational dining restaurants on the Disney Dream. On our October 2018 3-day cruise, we had dinner at Animator's Palate on the second day of our cruise. It was both pirate night and Halloween costume night, as well, since we sailed on a Halloween on the High Seas themed cruise. During the shorter cruises, the pirate night menu is the same as the regular rotational night, so you won't get any special menus when you go. Both Brandon and I were looking forward to this restaurant the least on our cruise, because neither one of us liked the menu here all that much.


Both Brandon and I love the theme of Animator's Palate, which is inspired by Disney animation. Our biggest complaints about the restaurant are that it's very noisy and that the seats are pretty close together.

Animator's Palate - Seating / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Animator's Palate - Seating / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

We do love all of the decor and theming. But, as you can see, it's a pretty packed restaurant in terms of space.

Animator's Palate - Seating Area / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Animator's Palate - Seating Area / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

I have to admit that I was absolutely loving all of the Halloween costumes on our cruise. Shout-out to the table next to us that dressed up as life-size Beanie Babies!

Animator's Palate / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Animator's Palate / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

One of my favorite little touches in Animator's Palate is the table marker you get on your table. I love that it looks like an paint bucket with brushes in it.

Animator's Palate / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Animator's Palate / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Since it was both pirate night and Halloween night, we decided to go with the pirate theme. We each wore the pirate bandanas given to us in our stateroom. As you can see, I decided to wear mine in a subtle way. The great thing is you can dress up or not in whatever way you feel most comfortable, which is great.

Animator's Palate - Table Games / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Animator's Palate - Table Games / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Although not a theme of the restaurant, I do love that your servers will share table games with you. On this trip, our assistant server shared several with us. A few we recognized, but some of them really tricked us. I won't share any secrets or surprises, but it's a nice touch when you dine during dinner.

The Food

Animator's Palate, like all of the main rotational dining restaurants, have menus that note which items are gluten free and dairy free on their menu. Having dined at Animator's Palate for dinner back in May 2018, I knew that I wasn't all that excited about the menu options. In fact, I actually used a few pro-tips to help make a fantastic meal this trip. Keep reading for those!

Animator's Palate - GF Rolls / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Animator's Palate - GF Rolls / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Up first, our server Jude brought me some Ener-G rolls with extra virgin olive oil and herbs. While I still don't love the Ener-G rolls, I will give our service team props for making sure they were well-heated on the trip. Both Brandon and I really liked the extra virgin olive oil with herbs too.

Animator's Palate - Salmon Appetizer / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Animator's Palate - Salmon Appetizer / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

The one thing I had to order at Animator's Palate was the Smoked Salmon Tartar with Dill, Capers, Onions, Pickles, and a Horseradish Cream. It is marked gluten free on the menu but does contain dairy. Oh goodness is this appetizer good. I loved the smoky salmon and the combination of salty flavors with the rich salmon. It is a must-order anytime I'm Animator's Palate. And, I highly recommend it for anyone who likes seafood and can have dairy.

Animator's Palate - Chicken / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Animator's Palate - Chicken / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Here's where my pro-tips started to come in. On our last dinner at Animator's Palate, I ordered Lemon-Thyme Marinated Chicken and just found it to be very boring and bland. I had learned prior to this cruise that you can actually order any dishes from the other main dining rotational restaurants when you have dinner. So, I asked if I could get the Marjoram Scented Roast Chicken with Crushed Sweet Potatoes, Buttered Baby Spinach, and a Thyme Red Wine Chicken Jus from Enchanted Garden. I was so happy to hear that this was an easy request.

This is such a delicious entrée, and I love all the accompaniments with it. It didn't disappoint again this time either. Everything was very flavorful and the chicken was super moist. I have to admit that if we have dinner at Animator's Palate again, I'll probably request this dish if we aren't dining at Enchanted Garden due to adult dining reservations. It's so good.

Animator's Palate - Indian Food / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Animator's Palate - Indian Food / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

My other pro-tip is that the Disney Dream actually prepares Indian food just about every night of your cruise. It's not listed anyway, and you kind of have to know it exists. On our last cruise, I got some bonus Indian food when the table next to us got it one night. This time, I actually spoke to John, our head server, about it and pre-ordered a gluten free plate of Indian food the night before our dinner. I was also told that the Indian food menu changes every night too.

Omigosh was this amazing. I got what I had on our previous cruise, and it was the hands down best thing I ate on the cruise. Of course, I love Indian food, so I am easily pleased by any plate of curry. I was served Curry Chicken, Spiced Potatoes, and Basmati Rice. Everything was expertly cooked, and I seriously could have eaten platefuls of this. I may have to order Indian food every night on my cruise from now on!

Animator's Palate - Walnut Cake / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

Animator's Palate - Walnut Cake / Photo Taken by Gluten Free & Dairy Free at WDW

For dessert, I ordered the Crunch Walnut Cake with Dark Chocolate Mousse and Raspberry Coulis. This is marked gluten free on the menu and does contain dairy. I really enjoyed it last cruise. So, I knew I had to get it this time too. Next time, I may skip dessert because I was SO full from everything I ordered during dinner. But, it was so worth it for the Indian food.


While both Brandon and I love the theme, we both agreed that Animator's Palate just isn't our favorite restaurant. We find it way too noisy and crowded when we dine there. We both would skip this in favor of dinner at Palo or Remy on our next cruise. That being said, I loved the smoked salmon and being able to get an entrée from Enchanted Garden and my bonus plate of Indian food.

Have you been to Animator's Palate? What did you think of your experience there?

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Serenity Bay BBQ -- Lunch -- Castaway Cay -- Disney Dream

*This dining experience took place in May 2018.

Lunch at Serenity Bay BBQ

During our three day cruise on the Disney Dream, we spent an amazing day at Castaway Cay, Disney's private island. And, our favorite spot on the island had to be Serenity Bay -- an area exclusively for adults. It is truly a place of serenity. And, we loved every minute of relaxing there on the beach. Guests who visit Serenity Bay can also enjoy lunch at Serenity Bay BBQ, which includes many of the items served at the other Castaway Cay BBQ spots. Because we were having dinner at Remy that night, we decided to enjoy a light lunch at Serenity Bay BBQ.


Serenity Bay BBQ has a relaxed vibe. Just like any good beach BBQ, it includes all all the BBQ fixins' along with outdoor seating, including covered picnic tables.Serenity Bay BBQ SignSerenity Bay BBQ opens at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. And, as we found out, it is packed during the opening rush. The upside to waiting in line is that we got to take a look at the restaurant theming and decor.Serenity Bay BBQ Buffet LineUnlike Cookies BBQ or Cookies Too BBQ, the other dining locations on the island, Serenity Bay doesn't have a ton of seating. We found a lot of people scrambling to find a spot. And, we ended up sharing a picnic table with another couple. Of course, this may be because we got here right when they opened. But, it's definitely something to consider.Serenity Bay BBQ Seating

The Food

On the Disney Cruise that I took with my mom in 2014, we had lunch at Cookie's BBQ, which is the largest dining location on Castaway Cay. During that cruise, we had tried to eat at Serenity Bay BBQ. But I was advised to eat at Cookies BBQ instead. Typically, Cookie's BBQ will be your best bet for special dietary needs. And, those guests who pre-order meals before arriving on Castaway Cay will pick their meals up at Cookies BBQ. But, since I wanted to eat light and had already had a hearty breakfast, I decided to just see what Serenity Bay BBQ could offer me.Serenity Bay BBQ MenuSerenity Bay BBQ does offer more or less the same types of items that Cookies BBQ and Cookies Too do. This includes, burgers, ribs, chicken, and fish. The one exception is that Serenity Bay also offers ribeye steaks, which are not typically offered at any other dining location on Castaway Cay.Serenity Bay BBQ BuffetAs I approached the buffet, I found a cast member and inquired about special dietary needs assistance. Another cast member, who appeared to be a lead cast member at the BBQ advised me that I could not have a lot to eat there. He noted that I could not have any of the items on the standard buffet (including condiments) due to potential cross-contamination.He did not offer to bring me any fresh items, but did say that he could get me a plain burger, chicken, fish, and steak if I wanted it.Serenity Bay BBQ Buffet PlateI did end up with Mahi Mahi, Chicken, and a Plain Burger. The chicken was definitely my favorite of the three proteins that I was served.Serenity Bay BBQ FruitIn addition to the plain grilled meats, I could also have some Fresh Fruit. That is definitely one of the things that I like most about Castaway Cay and the Disney Cruise Line buffets. They always have lots of fresh fruit available. I got some mango, papaya, and pineapple.Serenity Bay BBQ ChipsSerenity Bay BBQ also offered pre-packaged Lay's Potato Chips, which are marked gluten free on their packaging.


If I was looking for a more substantial lunch on Castaway Cay, I would skip Serenity Bay BBQ and eat at Cookie's BBQ. Unfortunately, Serenity Bay BBQ is not really able to accommodate special dietary needs guests well while Cookie's BBQ included lots of options. On top of that, the managers at Cookie's BBQ made sure I had gluten free & dairy free buns and even condiments for my lunch. If you're looking for just a small snack or bite to eat, Serenity Bay BBQ has a few options, but not a lot. While I'm glad we got a chance to dine here and check it out, next time Brandon and I both agreed we'd head to Cookie's BBQ instead.Have you been to Castaway Cay? What was your experience with the dining options there?

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Palo -- Brunch -- Disney Dream

*This gluten free dining experience took place in May 2018.

Brunch at Palo

Palo located on Deck 13 of the Disney Dream is one of the two adults only restaurants on the ship. Palo offers dinner daily and on select days offers brunch. The last time I was on the Disney Dream back in 2014 for a 3-day cruise, they didn't offer brunch at Palo. So, I was thrilled to hear that Disney has been offering brunch on 3-day cruises when you're docked in Nassau. Brunch just might be one of my favorite meals, so I knew we had to book it. Brunch is typically offered from 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., and I made our reservation for 10 a.m. so that we could enjoy a leisurely brunch.


Having had dinner at Palo on the last cruise I went on, I knew that it was a beautifully decorated restaurant. But, the vibe totally changes from day time to evening, and I was really wowed by how bright and inviting Palo is during the day.Palo SignPalo means "pole" in Italian. And, that fits perfectly with the theme of the restaurant which is inspired by Venice. The version of Palo on the Disney Dream is set to resemble a Venetian waterfront, and you'll find examples of poles inspired by the classic gondolas throughout the restaurant.Palo Entrance WalkwayWhen you first walk through the Palo entrance, you'll notice a beautiful chandelier above. This glass chandelier is actually made to look like different types of pasta and sauces you'll find in classic Northern Italian fare. It's quite stunning, and I highly recommended stopping to look at it a bit more closely.Palo SeatingAs we learned from our server Corinne and later when we went on the Art of the Theme tour, Palo is expertly themed from the artwork to the chairs and everything in between.Palo SeatingEven the metal artwork near the seating area is inspired by Venice.Palo Seating AreaPalo has plenty of seating for all sizes of groups and seating preferences. Whether you prefer a cozy booth, a seat in the back, or a close-up view outside, you'll find it at Palo.Palo Seating AreaOn our visit, we had a lovely window seat. If you're having dinner at Palo or brunch during a day at sea, you'll have spectacular views of the ocean. Since we were dining while docked in Nassau, we didn't really have a great view (it looked out onto the Carnival ship docked next to us), but we still enjoyed the brightly lit restaurant and cozy environment.Palo Cleaning Cast MemberHilariously, our server Corinne remarked that we had our very own Gondolier while at Palo, as one of the cast members cleaning windows came by. I have to admit that we both chuckled at this but were also fascinated by the cleaning and repairs that happen while docked.

The Food

Of course, the best part of Palo brunch is the food. Having dined here for dinner back in 2014, I knew that the food was going to be quite good, so I was looking forward to all the options.Palo Mimosa and ViewBefore Corinne went over the meal options and brought out the chef, she brought us each a Mimosa (orange juice and champagne) to start out brunch.Palo Iced TeaI also ordered an unsweetened iced tea, and was super excited to see that the tea was served with iced tea cubes. This is perfect for those who love tea but don't like that their tea gets diluted by regular water ice cubes melting. Talk about a nice touch!Palo Seafood BuffetAfter getting our drinks, the chef (whose name I forgot to write down), walked both Brandon and I through the buffet. Since Brandon is allergic to fish and shellfish, the chef advised him what he could and could not eat, in addition to walking me through the buffet. One of the things I liked most about the buffet is that there were several tables with food sections. For instance, their was an entire seafood table that Brandon avoided, while I avoided the pastry / bread table.The chef also offered to bring me a plate of food from the kitchen if I preferred, and he also noted that when I was ready for dessert he would bring me a plate from the kitchen automatically. He offered to do the same for Brandon as he noted some desserts contained gelatin.Palo Buffet PlateBecause I have reintroduced dairy back into my diet, the items I ate at brunch did have a good amount of dairy present. Guests who are dairy free shouldn't worry though, as they have lots of options that are dairy free or can be made dairy free.With the buffet, I ended up getting a good amount of seafood -- much of which was gluten free and dairy free. This included a scallop with fresh tomatoes and basil, crab legs, two different types of seared tuna, bloody Mary shrimp cocktail, and poached shrimp. I also tried prosciutto wrapped melon, several kinds of aged cheese, and caprese salad.Everything I enjoyed on my buffet plate was outstanding. The seafood was super fresh and well prepared. The scallops and seared tuna were definitely my favorites of the seafood options. The other item I liked the most was the caprese salad which was just outstanding and so light and fresh.Palo Grape and Gorgonzola PizzaIn addition to the buffet, Palo also has an a la carte menu with breakfast and lunch offerings. Both the chef and Corinne recommended that I try a few dishes to get a taste of all that Palo had to offer. First up, I ordered the famous Palo Grape and Gorgonzola Pizza. This is made on a gluten free crust (I believe currently Udi's Gluten Free on the Disney Dream). Pizza options are listed on the Palo menu, but this particular combination is not. But, if you ask the culinary team, they can still make it for you.The pizza is such a unique option, that we just had to try it. It is served with a red sauce, mozzarella, Gorgonzola, grapes, and a red wine reduction. Talk about decadent. Both Brandon and I tried this. I liked it a lot; Brandon thought it was just a bit too sweet for his taste. I would definitely get this again, though next time I might ask for it to be a white pizza without the red tomato sauce base, as I think I would have liked it more without it.Palo Allergy Friendly Mickey WafflesThe chef also said they can make gluten free (and dairy free) pancakes and waffles. The waffles are typically served as one giant Mickey shaped waffle (you can see a photo of it on Alexis's Gluten Free Adventures). But, I was told that their large waffle maker was down that day. Still, I got to enjoy 2 smaller Allergy-Friendly Mickey Waffles topped with powdered sugar and 100% pure maple syrup. I also had the option of ordering strawberry sauce or apple cinnamon sauce.These tasted just about identical to the versions of allergy-friendly Mickey waffles at Disney World and, I believe, were made using Namaste Pancake & Waffle Mix. They were nice and crispy and super tasty, and I would definitely order these again at Palo brunch. Hopefully, next time we go, they'll have the big Allergy-Friendly Mickey waffle maker working again!Palo Gluten Free Salmon PastaAlthough I did not ask for it, our server Corinne insisted I try a gluten free pasta, since we were in an Italian restaurant. She ended up bringing me Gluten Free Pasta with Smoked Salmon, Baby Spinach, Tarragon, Cracked Black Pepper, and a Cream Sauce. I didn't eat a ton of this, but I did try it. If you like seafood, it was quite good. It's not a dish I'd probably order again, but I was glad to try it.Palo TableAs you can see from this photo of our table, Corinne made sure we did not go hungry. In fact, we were both just plain stuffed by the end of the brunch. I really appreciated that she encouraged us to try lots of dishes, but next time we'll definitely reduce the amount of items we order!Palo DessertsAs if I could even eat another bite, Corinne brought out a plate of desserts for me from the chef. Three of the four desserts on the plate contained dairy, so if you're dairy free, be sure to ask for other options. The gluten free and dairy free dessert on my plate was a champagne gelatin with fruit. It was actually my least favorite of the desserts (I tried a bite of all of them), as I did not like the gelatin texture. But, I'm super glad that it was an option and something that was nice and light compared to the other desserts.The desserts included an espresso mousse (far left), vanilla panna cotta with mango, blueberries, and strawberries (center), and a raspberry mousse (far right). Every single one of these were very good. The panna cotta was probably my favorite with the raspberry mousse a close second. The espresso mousse was also very good and perfect for anyone who loves coffee.


Both Brandon and I absolutely loved the brunch at Palo. We really enjoyed that it included both a cold buffet and a la carte options. The cold buffet was super high quality with lots of options for any preference or special dietary need. We also found the a la carte options to include unique dishes that we might not have otherwise tried (Brandon enjoyed celery soup and artichoke ravioli -- both of which he would not typically order) and classic brunch favorites. Brunch also gave us a chance to enjoy Palo without missing out on our regular rotational dinner too.The atmosphere in Palo at brunch is so relaxing and our server Corinne was so great, that it made for a wonderful experience that we're both still raving about even after the trip. We wouldn't hesitate to book brunch again, though we both agreed that we want to go to Palo for dinner on our next cruise.Have you been to Palo for brunch or dinner? What did you think of the options available to special dietary needs guests? 

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Royal Palace -- Breakfast -- Disney Dream

*This gluten free dining experience took place in May 2018.

Breakfast at Royal Palace

Royal Palace is one of three main dining rooms used for rotational dining, along with breakfast, and lunch on the Disney Dream. I had eaten breakfast at Royal Palace on my the cruise I took with my mom on the Disney Dream back in 2014, and I had a great meal. So, I knew that when it came to breakfast on our most recent cruise, I wanted to have breakfast at Royal Palace at least one day. Although the breakfast menu is the same whether you dine at Enchanted Garden or Royal Palace, I really loved the theme of Royal Palace. Plus, we weren't going to get a chance to eat dinner there on this cruise, since we had dinner reservations at Remy on our last night. I had breakfast at Royal Palace on day 3 of our cruise, before we disembarked for Castaway Cay.


Royal Palace is definitely inspired by Disney princesses. You'll see touches of that from the moment you step into the restaurant.Royal Palace SignRoyal Palace has a totally different theme and atmosphere from Animator's Palate and Enchanted Garden. Of all three main restaurants, I would say that Royal Palace is the one that feels the most "fancy."Royal Palace SeatingThere is plenty of seating in the restaurant and everything from the chairs, to the flooring, to the lights make you feel like you're truly in a royal palace.Royal Palace SeatingAnother reason I enjoy breakfast at Royal Palace is that it gives you a chance to dine at the restaurant without a ton of crowds and to see the theming with bright, natural lighting. It really does change the feel and vibe of the restaurant.Royal Palace SeatingHow cute are all the little details, like Cinderella's pumpkin carriage at the end of this banister?!Royal Palace SeatingI had a lovely seat near the large portholes that gave a terrific view of Castaway Cay. Although you can't see it well in this photo, I can definitely say that the views were spectacular.

The Food

Unlike dinner, the menu for breakfast did not have any gluten free or dairy free listings.Royal Palace Breakfast MenuHaving had breakfast at Royal Palace before, I knew that I would be able to get things like gluten free pancakes and different styles of eggs.Royal Palace Breakfast MenuMy server Henry recommended the Eggs Benedict, which I was surprised to hear could be gluten free. But, he told me it was an easy modification, replacing the English muffin with gluten free bread. So, I decided to go with that. I knew I didn't want a ton of food, since we had Remy reservations that night and also planned on getting something to eat at Castaway Cay.Royal Palace Breakfast BeveragesI also ordered some apple juice, unsweetened iced tea, and water. Gotta hydrate before you head to Castaway Cay!Royal Palace DonutsAlthough I did not ask for them, Henry kindly brought me some Cinnamon Sugar Kinnikinnick donuts. These are gluten free and dairy free and very tasty. I was served these from the main dining rooms for breakfast and at Cabanas, the buffet on deck 11, so they were very easy to get. You can also get the Kinnikinnick vanilla glazed donuts too (which Brandon loved).Having some donuts was a nice touch, and I enjoyed these before my main entree arrived.Royal Palace Breakfast - Eggs BenedictSince I've reintroduced dairy back into my diet, I've been a bit more adventurous with trying breakfast items I haven't had in years. So, the Eggs Benedict was quite a treat. This gluten free breakfast option was definitely one I'd get again. The base was a gluten free bun (it tasted like Udi's Gluten Free and was definitely not Ener-G), and the Canadian bacon with poached egg and Hollandaise were super delicious. I loved the lemony flavor of the sauce.The dish was also served with a grilled tomato and sausage. I tried both, and they were good. But, for me, it was all about the Eggs Benedict. On previous visits, I have ordered eggs, bacon, and pancakes, so even gluten free and dairy free, I felt like I had a lot of options.


Royal Palace is a lovely spot to have breakfast when you're on the Disney Dream. I have always found the food options to be very good and quite tasty. Plus, you just can't get better than the theming and views from this restaurant. It's a perfect spot on any Castaway Cay morning before you head off the ship to explore the beautiful island. This will definitely continue to be my go-to spot for breakfast on the Disney Dream.Have you been to Royal Palace for breakfast? What did you think of the breakfast options?  

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Enchanted Garden -- Dinner -- Disney Dream

*This gluten free dining experience took place in May 2018. 

Dinner at Enchanted Garden

On the second night of our 3-day cruise on the Disney Dream, we had dinner at Enchanted Garden. Located on deck 2, this restaurant is a part of 3 main dining rooms that guests rotate through on their Disney Cruise. We had enjoyed our embarkation lunch at Enchanted Garden the previous day and were interested to see how the main dining and evening impacted dining here.


Enchanted Garden is themed after the gardens of Versailles. And, you can see lots of garden inspired touches everywhere you go in the dining room. Having dined at Enchanted Garden for lunch, we were pleasantly surprised when we arrived at dinner to see completely different lighting.Enchanted Garden FountainAs you can see by the photos, Enchanted Garden looks like it's twilight in France, complete a dimly lit fountain and soft lighting throughout the restaurant.Enchanted Garden InteriorAs our dinner started, we noticed that the restaurant was slightly brighter, and as the meal progressed the lighting shifted.Enchanted Garden InteriorThe lamps were also lit a beautiful pink that added a bit of color and charm to the meal.Enchanted Garden InteriorWhile we were seated in the booths at lunch time, we found table 61 (our table in main dining throughout the cruise) to be situated near the middle of the restaurant. We were a bit close to the drink and food staging areas, which meant it was slightly busy, but also gave us lots of action to take in. All of the tables were nice and bright, which contrasted well with the decor and theming.

The Food

I have to admit, that Brandon and I were really not at all that hungry when we arrived at Enchanted Garden for dinner. We had brunch that morning at Palo, and I swear I was still full. But, we had promised our servers we would be at dinner since we would not the last day due to a dinner reservation at Remy. Plus, it was pirate night, and we totally had to wear our pirate bandanas to dinner.Enchanted Garden MenuI also have to admit that when we looked at the menu, neither of us were actually all that keen on the options. But, Noel, our server, came to the rescue and made some great recommendations for entrees that we both really enjoyed.Enchanted Garden MenuAs you can see from the menu, there were a few gluten free options listed.Enchanted Garden RollsPrior to ordering, Noel brought out some Ener-G rolls again. I nibbled on these a bit, as they were well-heated. But, didn't eat too much of them, since I was still not all that hungry.Enchanted Garden Raspberry SaladUp first, Noel brought me a Spinach and Raspberry Salad with Baby Spinach tossed with fresh Raspberries, Toasted Pine Nuts, crumbled Gorgonzola, and a Raspberry Vinaigrette. This is gluten free and can be made dairy free by omitting the Gorgonzola. I was not a very big fan of this salad mostly because it was just too sweet for me. I definitely prefer my salads a bit more savory or to have a better balance of sweet and salty.The other gluten free appetizer on the menu is the Cucumber Garden Roll. I know that Alexis from Alexis's Gluten Free Adventures has tried it on her recent Disney Cruises, and I would probably try that on my next visit.Enchanted Garden ChickenFor my entree, I ordered Marjoram-Scented Roast Chicken served with Baked Crushed Sweet Potatoes, Buttered Baby Spinach, and a Thyme Red Wine Chicken Jus. This dish was gluten free. Even though I had ordered chicken the night before at Animator's Palate, I chose chicken based on Noel's recommendation and the fact that I had already had a version of the Slow-Roasted Prime Rib marked gluten free on the menu during embarkation.I have to say that this was a much better chicken dish. I found the chicken to be very flavorful and the sweet potatoes and spinach were excellent accompaniments. Plus, the Thyme Red Wine Chicken Jus was just outstanding. I was pleasantly surprised at this recommendation and would definitely order it again.Enchanted Garden Indian FoodWhile we were eating dinner, I noticed that the table next to us were being served Indian food. This isn't listed on the menu, and I was curious how they got it, as I love Indian food. It turns out that Noel (who was from India) worked with the kitchen to prepare authentic Indian food for that table. I asked about it, and he mentioned that he could order me Indian food too. Since we weren't going to be dining in main dining the next time due to Remy reservations, I was a bit bummed. But, the table who was served Indian food offered to share their food with me, if it was safe to do so. Noel ensured it that everything was gluten free and actually made me a small plate of Chicken Curry and Curry Potatoes with Basmatic Rice. How cool is that?!And, I have to say that the plate I had was out of this world good. The curry chicken was super flavorful and the chicken was super tender. The potatoes were a bit spicy and went really well with the milder chicken curry. I was so surprised by the bonus food, and really wowed by the level of service from the team and the kindness of our next door table-mates. Talk about a magical dining moment!Enchanted Garden SorbetAs you can imagine, I was so full after my second plate with the Indian Food, that I really didn't want dessert. Noel brought me some Mango Sorbet which is both gluten free and dairy free as something easy to finish the meal. Mango sorbet is usually one of my favorite sorbet flavors, but I found this one to be extremely freezer burnt. The taste was not the best and the texture was very icy.


Although I think both Brandon and I thought this would be the restaurant we liked the least for main dining, we were both pleasantly surprised by the flavors and quality of our main entrees. Neither of us loved our appetizers, but the entrees definitely made up for it. It's not our favorite restaurant on the ship, but they do offer solid entree options and the theming of the restaurant is very lovely.Have you been to Enchanted Garden for dinner? What did you order when you dined there?

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Dining Review Dining Review

Animator's Palate -- Dinner -- Disney Dream

*This dining experience took place in May 2018. 

Dinner at Animator's Palate

On day one of our cruise on the Disney Dream, we dined at Animator's Palate. This is one of three main restaurants available through Disney's rotational dining, which changes nightly on your cruise. Because we had reservations at Remy on our last night, I made sure to request Animator's Palate be on one of our first nights of rotation on the cruise. Of course, requests are not always possible, but we were glad this one was. Animator's Palate is probably one of the most well-known restaurants on Disney Cruise Line, with its unique theming and "show" that goes on throughout the meal. Having dined here in 2014, I knew this was a must-do with Brandon on his first cruise.


The theming is what makes Animator's Palate so popular. Every Disney Cruise Line ship has an Animator's Palate, but each one is a bit different. On the Disney Dream, you'll find a Finding Nemo and Turtle Talk with Crush inspired theme and show.Animator's Palate MenuThe art of animation is the theme at Animator's Palate. Even the menu animates as you hold it up and down. Pretty neat!Animator's Palate InteriorAs you arrive for your dinner at Animator's Palate, you'll see bright and vibrant pops of color and tons of art throughout the restaurant.Animator's Palate InteriorBrandon and I were seated at table 61 throughout our cruise. Most cruise restaurant seating pairs you with other guests, and you share tables. However, you can request to be seated only with your party in advance, which is what we did. This made for a low-key and relaxing meal with just the two of us at our table. I loved that our table number looked like a canister for paint brushes!Animator's Palate InteriorThroughout the meal, the restaurant not only comes to life with interactive talks with Crush, but the color also changes depending on where you are in your meal.Animator's Palate InteriorAs you can see, the lights changed from dramatically throughout the meal.

The Food

On my last visit to Animator's Palate, I'll be honest, I didn't love the food. I thought it was OK, but nothing special. This trip was slightly improved in terms of the food, but I still wasn't wowed by the overall experience. Brandon enjoyed his meal a lot, so I think it may be due to the limited gluten free options on the menu.Animator's Palate RollsOur servers at our main dining each night were Noel and Juni. They did a really great job at ensuring we both had safe options and making good recommendations. I have to admit that the dishes Noel recommended were typically the best ones I had.Up first, he brought some Ener-G rolls, which are both gluten free and dairy free. They were heated much better than our at our embarkation lunch at Enchanted Garden, so I was pleased with that.Animator's Palate Shrimp SaladFor my appetizers, I tried two options. The first Jumbo Shrimp Salad with Poached Tiger Shrimp tossed in a Lemon Olive Oil, served on diced Cucumber, Egg and Red Onion and garnished with Roquette Leaves. Oddly, this dish is marked gluten free, but not dairy free. When asked I was told that it was not marked dairy free because there is egg in it. They said the same thing to me when we dined at Animator's Palate in 2014, so it's amazing to me that they still haven't updated it or realize the difference between dairy and egg. So, for those who are dairy free, this is technically a dairy free dish, and it's worth asking about.While I wouldn't say this was my favorite dish, I did like the freshness of the salad and the shrimp with dill. It's definitely a decent salad option, though I'd like to see a bit more flavor in the dish. It just seemed bland.Animator's Palate Salmon TartarBecause I have reintroduced dairy back into my diet, Noel also suggested that I try the Smoked Salmon Tartar with Dill, Capers, Onions, Pickles, and a Horseradish Cream. It is marked gluten free on the menu. He said this is his favorite appetizer, and honestly, it did not disappoint. It was delicious. If you can have dairy, this is a fantastic appetizer. Pretty sure I could eaten this appetizer every night of the cruise. It was that good.Animator's Palate ChickenFor my entree, I ordered Lemon-Thyme Marinated All Natural Chicken Breast on top of Sour Cream Mashed Potatoes, Roasted Root Vegetables and Grain Mustard Jus. This is marked gluten free on the menu but does contain dairy. I thought this dish was just OK. The roasted root vegetables appeared to be all beets, which are not my favorite, and the chicken was fairly overcooked. I wouldn't say it was terrible by any means. But, I probably should have just ordered the the sirloin steak with garden vegetables and potatoes on the Lighter Note Offerings portion of the menu that Noel recommended.Brandon ordered the Ginger-Teriyaki dusted Angus Beef Tenderloin served on Wasabi Mashed Potatoes with Bok Choy and a Tamarind Barbecue Reduction and really thought his steak was well-done. So, next time, I'll probably stick to steak.Animator's Palate Table PuzzleThroughout our meal, our server Noel gave us some puzzle challenges. This one involved us having to figure out how to move one crayon that would change the direction of the crayon giraffe he created for us. I'm not going to lie, we were not very good at these puzzles!Animator's Palate Crunchy Chocolate Walnut CakeFor dessert, Noel brought me the Crunch Walnut Cake with Dark Chocolate Mousse and Raspberry Coulis. This is marked gluten free on the menu and does contain dairy. I only ate a bit of this cake, but I liked it a lot. The best part was definitely the walnuts on the bottom of the cake. For those with special dietary needs, always check with your server for options, as they had another chocolate cake, ice cream, and even sorbet as options on the night I visited Animator's Palate.


The theming at Animator's Palate really can't be beat, and it's a restaurant we have to dine at on each visit just for that. But, I wouldn't say the food options I have had have been amazing there (except the salmon tartare I had, which was outstanding). The food options have been decent, but just not my personal preference. Still, I have to give major kudos to my server team for always making sure that we had safe options.Have you been to Animator's Palate? What did you think of your dining experience there?

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Dining Review Dining Review

Enchanted Garden -- Embarkation Lunch -- Disney Dream

*This dining experience took place in May 2018. 

Embarkation Lunch at Enchanted Garden

We recently went on a 3-day cruise on the Disney Dream. Disney Cruise Line offers some unique dining experiences, including adult dining and also offers rotational dining, where guests dine at a different restaurant each night of the cruise. One of these restaurants is Enchanted Garden. While we did dine there for dinner, we also got a chance to dine here for lunch on embarkation day.When my mom and I went on the Disney Dream back in 2014, we also ate at Enchanted Garden during embarkation. But, it was a buffet then. Now, Enchanted Garden offers an a la carte menu. Guests wanting a buffet can still enjoy the buffet up at Cabanas on deck 11. Because I have found the buffets to take a bit of time to get special dietary needs meals, we decided that Enchanted Garden might be a calmer and easier bet. In addition to my special dietary needs, Brandon is also allergic to fish and shellfish, and we wanted to make sure he was extra safe on the cruise ship where there's a ton of seafood.


The theming in Enchanted Garden is set to represent the gardens of Versailles in France. You'll see lots of whimsical touches and bright colorful decor.Enchanted Garden SignOur favorite part of the restaurant had to be the entry seating which included gorgeous booths. On embarkation day, we actually got to sit in these as we were one of the first groups in the restaurant. They're beautifully themed and super cozy!Enchanted Garden InteriorYou'll notice lots of garden theming even in the ceiling of the restaurant, as well as the light fixtures.Enchanted Garden InteriorAnd, of course, the centerpiece of the restaurant is a beautiful fountain.Enchanted Garden InteriorAs you can see, the lighting in this restaurant is quite beautiful. We loved it at night, when the lighting changed quite a bit. But, more on that in our dinner review!

The Food

Of course, the big thing we were there for was the food. Neither of us had eaten much for breakfast, so we were ready for a nice lunch. Our server during lunch was not our regular server (you get a team of servers that follow you to you each restaurant for dinner). But, Jude, who assisted us, was a rockstar. He asked immediately if we had special dietary needs and worked to ensure we both had something tasty and safe.Enchanted Garden Lunch MenuThe Disney Cruise Line does not offer an allergy-friendly menu, like the Disney Parks, but they do note gluten free, dairy free, and vegetarian dishes on the menus.Enchanted Garden Lunch MenuAs I learned on my 2014 cruise, there are often more dishes than are noted that are actually safe to eat or easy to modify when asked.Enchanted Garden Lunch MenuIf you have a special dietary need, usually, you will discuss options with your server who will speak to the chefs on your behalf. I have heard others say chefs have come to their table, but that has not been my experience, except at Cabanas, Palo, and Remy.Ener-G Rolls at Enchanted GardenPrior to ordering, Jude brought me some gluten free and dairy free rolls. Disney Cruise Line is currently serving Ener-G rolls at most main dining locations. They do not offer vegan buttery spread, so guests with dairy allergies or intolerances or are vegan should ask about extra virgin olive oil. Unfortunately, during this meal, the rolls were not well heated and turned hard as a rock almost immediately, so I didn't really eat much of them.Enchanted Garden Lunch - Smoked SalmonFor my appetizer, I ordered the Sliced Smoked Salmon with Lemon and a Honey-Mustard Dill Sauce which was marked both gluten free and dairy free on the menu. Overall, I thought this was good, but not amazing. I really enjoyed the mustard though and thought it paired very well with the salmon.Enchanted Garden Steak For my entree, both Brandon and I got the Sliced Roasted Beef Sirloin with Double Baked Potato, Green Beans, and a Thyme Red Wine Jus. This was marked gluten free and is also fish/shellfish free too. The potato did contain dairy. So, if you are dairy free, you can swap out for a plain potato. Because I've reintroduced dairy back into my diet, I did not modify the dish. This was a very solid entree, though quite filling for a lunch. We both agreed that the double baked potato was our favorite part of the lunch entree.Enchanted Garden Chocolate MousseFor dessert, there are no options marked on the menu gluten free or dairy free. Jude brought me a Chocolate Mousse with Chocolate Syrup that was gluten free but did contain dairy. I have seen a ton of photos online of vegan diners who have had different types of mousse made for them with dairy free options, so it's worth asking if you're dairy free too. I took a few bites of this, and I really enjoyed the light, chocolatey flavors of the mousse and thought it was a nice ending to the meal.


We both agreed that dining at Enchanted Garden for lunch on embarkation day was a much calmer and easier option than Cabanas, which was kind of nuts. We both felt we had decent options and were pleasantly surprised at how solid the meal was. We're already thinking about another cruise and definitely would visit Enchanted Garden for lunch again too! Huge shoutout again to our sever Jude for this meal. We literally saw him at other points on the cruise, and he always remembered our names and that we had special dietary needs. Talk about Disney Cruise Line magic!Have you been on a Disney Cruise? Where do you go on embarkation day for lunch? 

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Royal Palace -- Lunch -- Disney Dream 2014

Royal Palace Dining Room Lunch

Royal Palace Lunch Menu

Palace Seafood Appetizer

Royal Palace Chicken Salad

Royal Palace Citrus Salad

*This dining experience took place in October 2014.Dining at the Royal Palace on the Disney Dream was perhaps my most favorite for breakfast and lunch of the cruise. Located on deck 3, this restaurant was a la carte for both breakfast and lunch when we dined there on day 2 of our cruise.Having dined at Royal Palace for breakfast earlier that day, I was familiar with the set-up and how the ordering would work here a la carte. In fact, the team actually remembered me from breakfast when we came in for lunch later in the day after our Nassau excursion.After having such a decadent dining day on day 1 with two lunches at Cabanas and at Enchanted Garden along with our 3 hour dinner at Remy, both my mom and I knew we needed to eat a little lighter on day 2.We were glad to see that the menu had some lighter options, including several salads. When our server asked what I was interested in, I asked if the assorted seafood sample for an appetizer was OK. For my entree, I requested the lemon chicken salad, and for dessert I ordered the citrus fruit cocktail that was on the appetizer section of the menu. I was in luck as none of my entrees needed modification for gluten free and dairy free.The assorted seafood sampler was very similar to the options available at the buffets on embarkation day with a crab claw and shrimp. The shrimp here was slightly seasoned which was very nice (and much better than plain peel and eat shrimp). I really enjoyed the bay scallops which were marinated in citrus. These were nice and sweet. The crab claw was good, though it could have used a sauce. Though it doesn't look all that appetizing, I loved the lemon chicken salad. With fresh papaya (yum!) and chicken marinated in coconut milk and lemongrass, the flavors were fresh and light. The salad was topped with a vinaigrette.Funnily enough, the chef did ask the server to ask me if coconut milk was OK for me to consume. It sometimes cracks me up when people assume coconut milk is milk because it has the the word milk in it. As one friend put it, "that would be a very interesting kind of cow if it produced coconut milk." If I had dined at Royal Palace again on the trip, I would have definitely ordered this entree salad. It was delicious!  For dessert, I had the fruit cocktail salad. This was super weird. My mom and I both ordered it and neither one of us got the almonds that the dish claimed to have in it. The only mint was a small sprig on the top of the cup. It was literally a bowl of grapefruit segments and a couple of orange segments. I can't have grapefruit, due to medication, so I skipped this dish once I realized what was in it. To me, this was just not a citrus cocktail salad!Overall, my mom and I really enjoyed Royal Palace for lunch. We thought it was the perfect mid-day meal, especially since we had Palo reservations that night. We both said we'd love to go back to Royal Palace and have lunch again on our next Disney Cruise (and yes, we're already planning).Have you been on the Disney Dream? What did you think of Royal Palace?

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Royal Palace -- Lunch -- Disney Dream 2014

*This dining experience took place in October 2014.Royal Palace Dining Room LunchDining at the Royal Palace on the Disney Dream was perhaps my most favorite for breakfast and lunch of the cruise. Located on deck 3, this restaurant was a la carte for both breakfast and lunch when we dined there on day 2 of our cruise.Having dined at Royal Palace for breakfast earlier that day, I was familiar with the set-up and how the ordering would work here a la carte. In fact, the team actually remembered me from breakfast when we came in for lunch later in the day after our Nassau excursion.After having such a decadent dining day on day 1 with two lunches at Cabanas and at Enchanted Garden along with our 3 hour dinner at Remy, both my mom and I knew we needed to eat a little lighter on day 2.Royal Palace Lunch MenuWe were glad to see that the menu had some lighter options, including several salads. When our server asked what I was interested in, I asked if the assorted seafood sample for an appetizer was OK. For my entree, I requested the lemon chicken salad, and for dessert I ordered the citrus fruit cocktail that was on the appetizer section of the menu. I was in luck as none of my entrees needed modification for gluten free and dairy free. Palace Seafood AppetizerThe assorted seafood sampler was very similar to the options available at the buffets on embarkation day with a crab claw and shrimp. The shrimp here was slightly seasoned which was very nice (and much better than plain peel and eat shrimp). I really enjoyed the bay scallops which were marinated in citrus. These were nice and sweet. The crab claw was good, though it could have used a sauce. Royal Palace Chicken SaladThough it doesn't look all that appetizing, I loved the lemon chicken salad. With fresh papaya (yum!) and chicken marinated in coconut milk and lemongrass, the flavors were fresh and light. The salad was topped with a vinaigrette.Funnily enough, the chef did ask the server to ask me if coconut milk was OK for me to consume. It sometimes cracks me up when people assume coconut milk is milk because it has the the word milk in it. As one friend put it, "that would be a very interesting kind of cow if it produced coconut milk." If I had dined at Royal Palace again on the trip, I would have definitely ordered this entree salad. It was delicious!  Royal Palace Citrus SaladFor dessert, I had the fruit cocktail salad. This was super weird. My mom and I both ordered it and neither one of us got the almonds that the dish claimed to have in it. The only mint was a small sprig on the top of the cup. It was literally a bowl of grapefruit segments and a couple of orange segments. I can't have grapefruit, due to medication, so I skipped this dish once I realized what was in it. To me, this was just not a citrus cocktail salad!Overall, my mom and I really enjoyed Royal Palace for lunch. We thought it was the perfect mid-day meal, especially since we had Palo reservations that night. We both said we'd love to go back to Royal Palace and have lunch again on our next Disney Cruise (and yes, we're already planning).Have you been on the Disney Dream? What did you think of Royal Palace?

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Royal Palace -- Breakfast -- Disney Dream 2014

Royal Palace Interior

Royal Palace Breakfast Menu

Royal Palace Breakfast Drinks

Royal Palace Express

Royal Palace Pancakes

Royal Palace Breakfast Plates

*This dining experience took place in October 2014.Royal Palace located on deck 3 of the Disney Dream is one of the ship's regular rotational dining locations. Inspired by classic Disney films like Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast, Royal Palace serves French-inspired, continental cuisine fit for a king or queen for breakfast, lunch and dinner.My mom and I stopped at Royal Palace for both breakfast and lunch on day 2 of our Disney Dream cruise. Both meals were a la carte. For breakfast, we were seated at our own table and found the restaurant to be fairly quiet. It opened at 8:00 a.m., and we arrived shortly after the opening. (Note: on day 3 of our cruise, they opened at 8:30 a.m.) This was my favorite breakfast of the trip, both for my meal and the ambiance. The breakfast menu itself was fairly lengthy with options that included, yogurt, fruit, hot cereals, cold cereals, sweets (pancakes and waffles) and savory dishes. I was told by my server and many folks prior to my cruise that the ship could make allergy pancakes and had Van's waffles on-hand. Our server took our drink orders, while we looked over the menu. I got unsweetened iced tea and apple juice. Day 2 was our Nassau, Bahamas day and with an excursion planned, I knew I wanted a hearty breakfast.Since I did not pre-order my breakfast, having dined at Remy and not my regular rotational dining the night before, I consulted with my server and the head server Robert. Pre-ordering is not required for meals, though some servers suggested it to help speed along your meal process. I never pre-ordered any meal (and I actually tried a couple of times but my servers said it was not necessary) and didn't find it to be too cumbersome or too long of a wait. I decided to order the Express breakfast entree which is basically the same as the American entree at most Disney World restaurants. It contains eggs, breakfast meat and potatoes. I also asked for a side of allergy pancakes on the side. The breakfast entree that was brought out to me was huge. And extremely generous with the breakfast meat. I was not able to get the breakfast potatoes as they were hash browns that contained gluten, so the team doubled up on other portions of my entree to make up for the potatoes. I wouldn't say this entree was anything special. The scrambled eggs were good, as was the ham. I wasn't too keen on the breakfast sausage and the bacon served is the same stringy bacon you get at Disney World quick service breakfast. It was filling though, and I definitely did not go hungry.The star of my breakfast were the gluten free dairy free pancakes. These were delicious. Whoever cooked these did a stellar job. They were crispy on the outside and perfectly cooked. I think they used Bob's Red Mill pancake mix for the base. My only complaint? The server poured the maple syrup for me, and I could have used more! This girl loves maple syrup! Out of all of the breakfasts I had on the Disney Dream, this was my favorite. I thought they cooked the allergy pancakes the best, and I really enjoyed the atmosphere. We tried to go here again on day 3 but they opened later, and we had Castaway Cay to explore! I also dined here for lunch on the same day and had another good meal here, so stay tuned for that review! I never did get to eat dinner here, but I heard many guests say that this restaurant was their favorite rotational dining dinner.Have you been on the Disney Dream? Did you eat at Royal Palace?

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Royal Palace -- Breakfast -- Disney Dream 2014

*This dining experience took place in October 2014.Royal Palace InteriorRoyal Palace located on deck 3 of the Disney Dream is one of the ship's regular rotational dining locations. Inspired by classic Disney films like Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast, Royal Palace serves French-inspired, continental cuisine fit for a king or queen for breakfast, lunch and dinner.My mom and I stopped at Royal Palace for both breakfast and lunch on day 2 of our Disney Dream cruise. Both meals were a la carte. For breakfast, we were seated at our own table and found the restaurant to be fairly quiet. It opened at 8:00 a.m., and we arrived shortly after the opening. (Note: on day 3 of our cruise, they opened at 8:30 a.m.) This was my favorite breakfast of the trip, both for my meal and the ambiance. Royal Palace Breakfast MenuThe breakfast menu itself was fairly lengthy with options that included, yogurt, fruit, hot cereals, cold cereals, sweets (pancakes and waffles) and savory dishes. I was told by my server and many folks prior to my cruise that the ship could make allergy pancakes and had Van's waffles on-hand. Our server took our drink orders, while we looked over the menu. I got unsweetened iced tea and apple juice. Day 2 was our Nassau, Bahamas day and with an excursion planned, I knew I wanted a hearty breakfast.Royal Palace Breakfast DrinksSince I did not pre-order my breakfast, having dined at Remy and not my regular rotational dining the night before, I consulted with my server and the head server Robert. Pre-ordering is not required for meals, though some servers suggested it to help speed along your meal process. I never pre-ordered any meal (and I actually tried a couple of times but my servers said it was not necessary) and didn't find it to be too cumbersome or too long of a wait. I decided to order the Express breakfast entree which is basically the same as the American entree at most Disney World restaurants. It contains eggs, breakfast meat and potatoes. I also asked for a side of allergy pancakes on the side. Royal Palace ExpressThe breakfast entree that was brought out to me was huge. And extremely generous with the breakfast meat. I was not able to get the breakfast potatoes as they were hash browns that contained gluten, so the team doubled up on other portions of my entree to make up for the potatoes. I wouldn't say this entree was anything special. The scrambled eggs were good, as was the ham. I wasn't too keen on the breakfast sausage and the bacon served is the same stringy bacon you get at Disney World quick service breakfast. It was filling though, and I definitely did not go hungry.Royal Palace PancakesThe star of my breakfast were the gluten free dairy free pancakes. These were delicious. Whoever cooked these did a stellar job. They were crispy on the outside and perfectly cooked. I think they used Bob's Red Mill pancake mix for the base. My only complaint? The server poured the maple syrup for me, and I could have used more! This girl loves maple syrup! Royal Palace Breakfast PlatesOut of all of the breakfasts I had on the Disney Dream, this was my favorite. I thought they cooked the allergy pancakes the best, and I really enjoyed the atmosphere. We tried to go here again on day 3 but they opened later, and we had Castaway Cay to explore! I also dined here for lunch on the same day and had another good meal here, so stay tuned for that review! I never did get to eat dinner here, but I heard many guests say that this restaurant was their favorite rotational dining dinner.Have you been on the Disney Dream? Did you eat at Royal Palace?  

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Remy -- Dinner -- Disney Dream 2014

Remy Sign

Remy Interior Side

Remy Interior

Remy Collette

Remy Amuse-Bouche

Remy Bread and Non Dairy Butter

Remy Ratatouille

Remy Tomato Tarte

Remy Tomato Tarte Broth

Remy Lobster with Chermoula

Remy Black Cod

Remy Halibut and Pea Puree

Remy Duck

Remy Plate

Remy Dessert

Remy Candy Course

Remy Rose

*This dining experience took place in October 2014.As a first time Disney Cruise Line vacationer, I knew that I wanted to take advantage of the adult dining experiences available to guests on board the ship. These include Palo (which I also dined at) and Remy. Both adults only dining experiences are available for guests to book in advance (which we did) or while on the cruise (if still available). Each restaurant comes with an "upcharge" per person -- Palo is $25 per person and Remy is an extravagant $75.Because it was my first cruise, and I'm a foodie, I knew I wanted to dine at Remy. I had read amazing reviews of Remy from my friend Sarah at Eating WDW and Dawn from Mouse Chow. I also knew that Alexis from Gluten Free in Orlando had dined there and said it was one of the best meals she's ever had. Well, that sold me right there! Remy is French inspired - taking it's name from the Pixar film Ratatouille. It's fine dining at its best with luxurious courses and decadent cuisine. Essentially, this is the Disney Cruise Line's version of Victoria & Albert's. Our meal took a full 3 hours, and this review will be pretty lengthy! If you're the drinking sort, now's the time to pour yourself a glass of wine for this review read!We ended up dining at Remy on our embarkation day. With a reservation at 6 p.m., my mom and I packed our dress clothes in our carry on's just in case our luggage arrived in our stateroom late. Remy's dress code is fairly fancy (cocktail dresses and pantsuits), and in hindsight we would have been better off dining there on day two or three of our cruise so that we felt less rushed on day one.After we gussied up, we made our way to Remy, located on deck 12 (and a bit of a challenge to find the first time!). The lobby area of Remy is shared with the other adult dining, along with the Meridian Lounge. While we waited for our table, we sat in the lounge (meeting up with our friends who were dining at Palo that evening), taking in all the views and ambiance.The head server of Remy, David, came to seat us. We were both blown away by the elegant decor and refined look of the restaurant. The touches from Ratatouille were subtle and charming. We had an amazing view of the ocean from our table.The restaurant knew of my special dietary needs ahead of time and were well prepared for me, noting right away that they knew I was gluten free and dairy free and not to worry as they had lots of options available for my meal. This was one of those touches that both Remy and Palo had and that I really appreciated about the adult dining experiences.Our server Andre came to our table to prepare the cocktail "Collette" table-side. It's Remy's signature cocktail and is brought complimentary to your table as a welcome to the restaurant. Made with Taittinger Champagne and pear vodka, then garnished with fresh raspberry, dried apricot, and mint leaf, it looks and sounds sumptuous. Andre said that they would make me a safe version (interestingly, the dried apricot contains gluten). Essentially, I had champagne with a few garnishes. It was delicious!As we enjoyed our cocktail, Andre went over the menu at Remy. Remy's menu was created by Chef Arnaud Lallement, a Michelin 3-star chef whose famed restaurant is located outside of Reims, France, and Chef Scott Hunnel from award-winning Victoria & Albert's at Walt Disney World Resort. So when I say it's decadent, I'm definitely not kidding.The menu features a la carte options and two tasting menus created by both chefs - Saveur created by Chef Arnaud and Gout created by Chef Scott. You are able to mix and match, creating your own menu or choosing the prix fixe menus as is.Andre suggested that they combine both of these menus for me, with most of my options coming from Saveur with a few chosen from Gout. All of Andre's suggestions sounded great to me, except the duck. I'm not a huge duck fan, so I was skeptical. However, I told him I would give it a try, being adventurous. My mom also chose to mix and match tastings.Before our first course, we were treated to an amuse-bouche (bite-size hors d'œuvre). Remy is famous for their tomato soup cube amuse-bouche. I figured as a gluten free and dairy free diner that this one would be off-limits for me. And when our server brought out two of them to our table, I assumed this was a mistake. However, I was beyond thrilled when they told me that the restaurant had a special version for me using gluten free breadcrumbs.The server suggested we let it cool for 1-2 minutes, then place it in our mouth allowing it to melt without chewing (and FYI, don't bite down on it; you will have tomato soup explosion in your mouth - most unpleasant!).Dawn from Mouse Chow likened this to a Willy Wonka-esque experience and that is the perfect way to describe it. It literally exploded tomato soup in your mouth. Such a crazy and delicious experience. Starting the meal off with this certainly put our meal on a high note (bonus points to Remy for using gluten free breadcrumbs)Next up was our bread course. My mom enjoyed a variety of delicious breads, while I was served an Ener-G roll. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't do anything to this, except heat it up, as Alexis from Gluten Free in Orlando had an amazing version of the bread when she dined there. I will give the team bonus points for providing me with non-dairy butter. Adding coarse sea salt to the non-dairy butter made the Ener-G roll more palatable.Before our traditional tasting courses began, we were also treated to Remy's version of Ratatouille. My mom's version came with olive oil gelato which looked amazing. Mine came with a cherry tomato and some additional garnishes. This dish was light and fresh and the seasonings were perfectly balanced.My first dish was the tomato tarte. At first glance, it's beautiful but doesn't look like anything particularly special; however, it's the accompaniment that really brings the dish to a magical (and another Willy Wonka-esque) experience.Served with a glass of "essence," this cold broth was the key to unlocking this dish's unique flavors. I was instructed to take a sip of this cold broth first, then take a bit of the tomato dish presented to me. Repeating these steps would create a unique tasting and bring all of the components together.Now, I have to say the broth was out of this world. The amount of rich flavor in this was beyond compare. Adding the bites of tomato and tomato puree created another dimension and a taste I couldn't quite put my finger on. Andre said most people say it reminds them of deconstructed gazpacho, and I immediately recognized that familiar taste as soon as he mentioned this. This dish and the amuse-bouche were my most memorable dishes of the meal, creativity and taste.Up next came the lobster with chermoula. My mother had this as her first course, and she raved about it, so I was glad this came as a second course for me. The lobster was light and sweet and the chermoula was spicy and robust. Combined together, it made for a really flavorful course.Both my mother and I both had black cod as our next course. My mom is not a fish eater but she likes cod, so this seemed a good fit for her. I adore all fish, so I was happy to have a very seafood heavy tasting. Served with parsnips and a clam jus (mine made dairy free), this dish was excellent. It had a lot of earthy, umami flavors to it, particularly from the clam jus. The parsnips were divine. The cod itself was like butter, falling apart very easily.Now, this is where our meal took a slight turn. My mom found something in her fish that was both unpleasant and unappetizing (not a bone). While I won't go into too many specifics (suffice it to say, it was not particularly pleasant), the restaurant did take both of our plates away, bringing us a substitute course for the cod. It's a shame because the cod was delicious, though on the upside I was given what turned out to be my favorite course of the night.My substitute course was halibut served with a pea puree and a pea sauce. The halibut itself was perfectly seasoned and cooked. The pea puree and the pea sauce were the stars of this dish filled with intense pea flavor and containing a touch of brightness from lemon juice. The radish was a nice accompaniment, but for me, this dish was all about the peas. This dish was perfection.My last meat course was the duck. Served with fennel, oranges and sweet potatoes; it was reminiscent of duck a l'Orange. I'm not a huge fennel fan, but this was very subtle. The orange sauce and orange segments were delicious and paired well with the duck. The duck itself was well cooked and didn't taste as gamey as I often find duck. The sweet potatoes were bananas good, and I wished there would have been more on my plate.While I would say this was probably my least favorite dish of the meal, it was still expertly prepared and quite delicious. I'm just not a duck person.The next course was a cheese course. Sadly, I was not able to enjoy this one. I was surprised the restaurant didn't bring me something else as a palate cleanser to enjoy while my mom ate her cheese course (which she said was amazing). It's a bit of a bummer to be served an empty plate! Not that I was hungry, but it would have been nice to see that added touch.For my dessert course, I was served a fresh fruit salad. It was beautifully garnished with edible gold leaf and flowers. However, I didn't find this to be anything spectacular. The diced fruit was dressed with a bit of juice and black pepper. It was pleasant and a nice palate cleanser but I would have loved to have been given something decadent like my mom's chocolate dessert.The next evening we dined at Palo, and they made me a spectacular dessert that wasn't as pretty as this one but blew it away with taste.Next up was a candy course. My mom was served a huge platter of chocolates and other candies. Because of not being able to have dairy, I was brought 2 homemade marshmallows and 2 homemade lollypops. I was glad to see that I had these as options, though I would have loved to have been given a few more marshmallows to make up for the fact that I couldn't eat the chocolates. The marshmallows were delicious, and I could have eaten about a dozen of them, easy.During this course, I also ordered tea. They had several loose-leaf teas to choose from including the Monkey Picked Oolong which is what I chose. It was fresh and earthy and the perfect accompaniment to the sweet marshmallows. My mom chose coffee and said it was the best coffee she had on the ship.As our 3 hour meal came to a close, we were presented with roses and a box of chocolates for my mom. This is another one of those touches that I'd love to see Remy extend to those who have special dietary needs. It would have been lovely to take a box of marshmallows back to my stateroom with me.Overall, despite one hiccup in the meal, we found Remy to be an outstanding restaurant and an amazing experience. The food was beyond compare and the service was exemplary. I was impressed by how they handled my special diets and found the meal to be a once in a lifetime experience spent with my mom. I wouldn't say that I would dine at Remy on every cruise (certainly not at $75 a person) but it's a wonderful spot for a special occasion.For adult dining at a more reasonable price, I highly recommend Palo, and will be reviewing it here on the site, as well.I'm so glad I went to Remy and look forward to going back there again. I'd love to try the brunch sometime, as I've heard it's amazing. Have you been to Remy on the Disney Dream? What did you think of your experience there?

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Remy -- Dinner -- Disney Dream 2014

*This dining experience took place in October 2014.Remy SignAs a first time Disney Cruise Line vacationer, I knew that I wanted to take advantage of the adult dining experiences available to guests on board the ship. These include Palo (which I also dined at) and Remy. Both adults only dining experiences are available for guests to book in advance (which we did) or while on the cruise (if still available). Each restaurant comes with an "upcharge" per person -- Palo is $25 per person and Remy is an extravagant $75.Because it was my first cruise, and I'm a foodie, I knew I wanted to dine at Remy. I had read amazing reviews of Remy from my friend Sarah at Eating WDW and Dawn from Mouse Chow. I also knew that Alexis from Gluten Free in Orlando had dined there and said it was one of the best meals she's ever had. Well, that sold me right there! Remy is French inspired - taking it's name from the Pixar film Ratatouille. It's fine dining at its best with luxurious courses and decadent cuisine. Essentially, this is the Disney Cruise Line's version of Victoria & Albert's. Our meal took a full 3 hours, and this review will be pretty lengthy! If you're the drinking sort, now's the time to pour yourself a glass of wine for this review read!We ended up dining at Remy on our embarkation day. With a reservation at 6 p.m., my mom and I packed our dress clothes in our carry on's just in case our luggage arrived in our stateroom late. Remy's dress code is fairly fancy (cocktail dresses and pantsuits), and in hindsight we would have been better off dining there on day two or three of our cruise so that we felt less rushed on day one.Remy Interior SideAfter we gussied up, we made our way to Remy, located on deck 12 (and a bit of a challenge to find the first time!). The lobby area of Remy is shared with the other adult dining, along with the Meridian Lounge. While we waited for our table, we sat in the lounge (meeting up with our friends who were dining at Palo that evening), taking in all the views and ambiance.The head server of Remy, David, came to seat us. We were both blown away by the elegant decor and refined look of the restaurant. The touches from Ratatouille were subtle and charming. We had an amazing view of the ocean from our table.Remy InteriorThe restaurant knew of my special dietary needs ahead of time and were well prepared for me, noting right away that they knew I was gluten free and dairy free and not to worry as they had lots of options available for my meal. This was one of those touches that both Remy and Palo had and that I really appreciated about the adult dining experiences.Our server Andre came to our table to prepare the cocktail "Collette" table-side. It's Remy's signature cocktail and is brought complimentary to your table as a welcome to the restaurant. Made with Taittinger Champagne and pear vodka, then garnished with fresh raspberry, dried apricot, and mint leaf, it looks and sounds sumptuous. Remy ColletteAndre said that they would make me a safe version (interestingly, the dried apricot contains gluten). Essentially, I had champagne with a few garnishes. It was delicious!As we enjoyed our cocktail, Andre went over the menu at Remy. Remy's menu was created by Chef Arnaud Lallement, a Michelin 3-star chef whose famed restaurant is located outside of Reims, France, and Chef Scott Hunnel from award-winning Victoria & Albert's at Walt Disney World Resort. So when I say it's decadent, I'm definitely not kidding.The menu features a la carte options and two tasting menus created by both chefs - Saveur created by Chef Arnaud and Gout created by Chef Scott. You are able to mix and match, creating your own menu or choosing the prix fixe menus as is.Andre suggested that they combine both of these menus for me, with most of my options coming from Saveur with a few chosen from Gout. All of Andre's suggestions sounded great to me, except the duck. I'm not a huge duck fan, so I was skeptical. However, I told him I would give it a try, being adventurous. My mom also chose to mix and match tastings.Before our first course, we were treated to an amuse-bouche (bite-size hors d'œuvre). Remy is famous for their tomato soup cube amuse-bouche. I figured as a gluten free and dairy free diner that this one would be off-limits for me. And when our server brought out two of them to our table, I assumed this was a mistake. However, I was beyond thrilled when they told me that the restaurant had a special version for me using gluten free breadcrumbs.Remy Amuse-BoucheThe server suggested we let it cool for 1-2 minutes, then place it in our mouth allowing it to melt without chewing (and FYI, don't bite down on it; you will have tomato soup explosion in your mouth - most unpleasant!).Dawn from Mouse Chow likened this to a Willy Wonka-esque experience and that is the perfect way to describe it. It literally exploded tomato soup in your mouth. Such a crazy and delicious experience. Starting the meal off with this certainly put our meal on a high note (bonus points to Remy for using gluten free breadcrumbs)Remy Bread and Non Dairy ButterNext up was our bread course. My mom enjoyed a variety of delicious breads, while I was served an Ener-G roll. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't do anything to this, except heat it up, as Alexis from Gluten Free in Orlando had an amazing version of the bread when she dined there. I will give the team bonus points for providing me with non-dairy butter. Adding coarse sea salt to the non-dairy butter made the Ener-G roll more palatable.Remy RatatouilleBefore our traditional tasting courses began, we were also treated to Remy's version of Ratatouille. My mom's version came with olive oil gelato which looked amazing. Mine came with a cherry tomato and some additional garnishes. This dish was light and fresh and the seasonings were perfectly balanced.Remy Tomato TarteMy first dish was the tomato tarte. At first glance, it's beautiful but doesn't look like anything particularly special; however, it's the accompaniment that really brings the dish to a magical (and another Willy Wonka-esque) experience.Remy Tomato Tarte BrothServed with a glass of "essence," this cold broth was the key to unlocking this dish's unique flavors. I was instructed to take a sip of this cold broth first, then take a bit of the tomato dish presented to me. Repeating these steps would create a unique tasting and bring all of the components together.Now, I have to say the broth was out of this world. The amount of rich flavor in this was beyond compare. Adding the bites of tomato and tomato puree created another dimension and a taste I couldn't quite put my finger on. Andre said most people say it reminds them of deconstructed gazpacho, and I immediately recognized that familiar taste as soon as he mentioned this. This dish and the amuse-bouche were my most memorable dishes of the meal, creativity and taste.Remy Lobster with ChermoulaUp next came the lobster with chermoula. My mother had this as her first course, and she raved about it, so I was glad this came as a second course for me. The lobster was light and sweet and the chermoula was spicy and robust. Combined together, it made for a really flavorful course.Remy Black CodBoth my mother and I both had black cod as our next course. My mom is not a fish eater but she likes cod, so this seemed a good fit for her. I adore all fish, so I was happy to have a very seafood heavy tasting. Served with parsnips and a clam jus (mine made dairy free), this dish was excellent. It had a lot of earthy, umami flavors to it, particularly from the clam jus. The parsnips were divine. The cod itself was like butter, falling apart very easily.Now, this is where our meal took a slight turn. My mom found something in her fish that was both unpleasant and unappetizing (not a bone). While I won't go into too many specifics (suffice it to say, it was not particularly pleasant), the restaurant did take both of our plates away, bringing us a substitute course for the cod. It's a shame because the cod was delicious, though on the upside I was given what turned out to be my favorite course of the night.Remy Halibut and Pea PureeMy substitute course was halibut served with a pea puree and a pea sauce. The halibut itself was perfectly seasoned and cooked. The pea puree and the pea sauce were the stars of this dish filled with intense pea flavor and containing a touch of brightness from lemon juice. The radish was a nice accompaniment, but for me, this dish was all about the peas. This dish was perfection.Remy DuckMy last meat course was the duck. Served with fennel, oranges and sweet potatoes; it was reminiscent of duck a l'Orange. I'm not a huge fennel fan, but this was very subtle. The orange sauce and orange segments were delicious and paired well with the duck. The duck itself was well cooked and didn't taste as gamey as I often find duck. The sweet potatoes were bananas good, and I wished there would have been more on my plate.While I would say this was probably my least favorite dish of the meal, it was still expertly prepared and quite delicious. I'm just not a duck person.Remy PlateThe next course was a cheese course. Sadly, I was not able to enjoy this one. I was surprised the restaurant didn't bring me something else as a palate cleanser to enjoy while my mom ate her cheese course (which she said was amazing). It's a bit of a bummer to be served an empty plate! Not that I was hungry, but it would have been nice to see that added touch.Remy DessertFor my dessert course, I was served a fresh fruit salad. It was beautifully garnished with edible gold leaf and flowers. However, I didn't find this to be anything spectacular. The diced fruit was dressed with a bit of juice and black pepper. It was pleasant and a nice palate cleanser but I would have loved to have been given something decadent like my mom's chocolate dessert.The next evening we dined at Palo, and they made me a spectacular dessert that wasn't as pretty as this one but blew it away with taste.Remy Candy CourseNext up was a candy course. My mom was served a huge platter of chocolates and other candies. Because of not being able to have dairy, I was brought 2 homemade marshmallows and 2 homemade lollypops. I was glad to see that I had these as options, though I would have loved to have been given a few more marshmallows to make up for the fact that I couldn't eat the chocolates. The marshmallows were delicious, and I could have eaten about a dozen of them, easy.During this course, I also ordered tea. They had several loose-leaf teas to choose from including the Monkey Picked Oolong which is what I chose. It was fresh and earthy and the perfect accompaniment to the sweet marshmallows. My mom chose coffee and said it was the best coffee she had on the ship.Remy RoseAs our 3 hour meal came to a close, we were presented with roses and a box of chocolates for my mom. This is another one of those touches that I'd love to see Remy extend to those who have special dietary needs. It would have been lovely to take a box of marshmallows back to my stateroom with me.Overall, despite one hiccup in the meal, we found Remy to be an outstanding restaurant and an amazing experience. The food was beyond compare and the service was exemplary. I was impressed by how they handled my special diets and found the meal to be a once in a lifetime experience spent with my mom. I wouldn't say that I would dine at Remy on every cruise (certainly not at $75 a person) but it's a wonderful spot for a special occasion.For adult dining at a more reasonable price, I highly recommend Palo, and will be reviewing it here on the site, as well.I'm so glad I went to Remy and look forward to going back there again. I'd love to try the brunch sometime, as I've heard it's amazing. Have you been to Remy on the Disney Dream? What did you think of your experience there? 

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Enchanted Garden -- Embarkation Buffet -- Disney Dream 2014

Enchanted Garden

Enchanted Garden Table

Enchanted Garden Fountain

Enchanted Garden Inteior Light

Enchanted Garden Tea

Enchanted Garden Entree

Enchanted Garden Antipasti

Enchanted Garden Desserts

DCL Stateroom

*This dining experience took place in October 2014.Day 1 of my vacation on the Disney Dream began with lunch at Cabanas. While the meal itself wasn't anything spectacular, I was able to find some options to fill me up before I began exploring the cruise ship. I also wanted to find the elusive Special Dining Session supposedly found on the ship for guests with special diets.None of the staff seemed to know where it was, so my mom and I ventured to Enchanted Garden (after exploring the ship for a while) to see if we could find it. Enchanted Garden is located on deck 2 of the ship (where our stateroom was located, so it was convenient).My friends, the Disney Hipsters, had suggested an elevenses lunch while on the cruise ship, and my mom and I thought that was a great idea!The restaurant is set to resemble the gardens of Versailles, and it's a quaint and beautifully decorated restaurant. From the charming booths to the fountain in the middle of the restaurant, there were an impressive amount of small details and touches in this restaurant.Like Cabanas, lunch on embarkation day at the Enchanted Garden was a buffet. However, at this location, you were seated and had a server who took your beverage order.Before being seated, I let Rexon, our server, know that I had special dietary needs. He said this was not a problem, and he said he would walk with me through the buffet to see what I might be interested in. He also let me know that all of the food for my meal would be brought from the back and to not take anything off the buffet to avoid cross-contamination. I really appreciated this and found my experience at the Enchanted Garden vastly different from the chaos at Cabanas (understandable, as the only restaurant open at the time).There were some items that looked interesting, including a grilled chicken with a pineapple salsa and salmon wrapped in ham that I had seen on Gluten Free in Orlando's Disney Dream review. I asked about those, and I also requested some asparagus (which I adore) and some antipasti.On my way back to the table, I did take a bit of time to take photographs and look around the restaurant. I loved this restaurant's decor and wish I had enjoyed another meal there.Once I got back to our table, the assistant server (usually in charge of beverages at your table) took my drink order. I ordered unsweetened iced tea, and as I learned, they do not use Gold Peak tea like Walt Disney World does. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I drank a lot of water on this cruise!It didn't take long at all for my food to come out. Rexon brought all of my food and included a couple of desserts for me as well.I was a bit bummed to see plain chicken and plain salmon, having asked for the versions on the buffet. As I learned throughout the cruise, being very specific in your requests is important, as the restaurants will typically serve you the plainest food possible to ensure safety (at least in my experience on this cruise).My guess is as long as the sauces were safe, they would have served me the versions on the buffet instead of making me new items, but I do truly appreciate that they wanted to make me safe options. And for those wondering, they do cook items for special diets guests in a separate area of the kitchen on separate equipment. I was very glad to hear of that!The salmon and chicken were both fine; nothing special. The asparagus was dynamite, having been sauteed in extra virgin olive oil with some garlic.The antipasti was definitely my favorite part of this meal. The prosciutto and olives were the perfect light lunch (considering I was on lunch number 2!) The beef was not my favorite cured meat, so I didn't eat much of that one.For dessert, Rexson brought me Enjoy Life Snickerdoodle cookies (love them!) and the dreaded Jell-O. I'm not a huge Jell-o fan to begin with and especially not since there was a period during my initial Crohn's diagnosis where Jell-o and liquids were the only things I could eat. Add in that it's green Jell-o (gross) with fruit in it (double-gross) and meringue. Um, no thanks. I tried one bite and promptly decided that this Jell-o was not for me.But, I really appreciated that Rexson brought me some options! And I was very glad to see Enjoy Life cookies on board the ship.Overall, I thought Enchanted Garden was a much better option as an embarkation lunch than Cabanas. It was much quieter and definitely easier to navigate. The buffet itself was almost identical to the one in Cabanas (just smaller) and the staff went above and beyond to assist me with safe options.As I later learned from my friends, the special dining session on our ship was located at the Royal Palace restaurant. I never did get a chance to go there but I'm glad to have learned where it was held. I hope that the Disney Cruise Line does a better job in the future of keeping their staff up-to-date on these and where they are located (especially, since I was encouraged to attend it).With my stomach full from lunch number 2, my mom and I settled into our stateroom on deck 2 and then went to the DVC Member Welcome Reception. We sure kept ourselves busy until dinner the first night which was at Remy, one of the adult dining locations on the shipHave you been on the Disney Dream? What did you think of the Enchanted Garden?

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Enchanted Garden -- Embarkation Buffet -- Disney Dream 2014

*This dining experience took place in October 2014.Enchanted GardenDay 1 of my vacation on the Disney Dream began with lunch at Cabanas. While the meal itself wasn't anything spectacular, I was able to find some options to fill me up before I began exploring the cruise ship. I also wanted to find the elusive Special Dining Session supposedly found on the ship for guests with special diets.None of the staff seemed to know where it was, so my mom and I ventured to Enchanted Garden (after exploring the ship for a while) to see if we could find it. Enchanted Garden is located on deck 2 of the ship (where our stateroom was located, so it was convenient).My friends, the Disney Hipsters, had suggested an elevenses lunch while on the cruise ship, and my mom and I thought that was a great idea!Enchanted Garden TableThe restaurant is set to resemble the gardens of Versailles, and it's a quaint and beautifully decorated restaurant. From the charming booths to the fountain in the middle of the restaurant, there were an impressive amount of small details and touches in this restaurant.Enchanted Garden FountainLike Cabanas, lunch on embarkation day at the Enchanted Garden was a buffet. However, at this location, you were seated and had a server who took your beverage order.Before being seated, I let Rexon, our server, know that I had special dietary needs. He said this was not a problem, and he said he would walk with me through the buffet to see what I might be interested in. He also let me know that all of the food for my meal would be brought from the back and to not take anything off the buffet to avoid cross-contamination. I really appreciated this and found my experience at the Enchanted Garden vastly different from the chaos at Cabanas (understandable, as the only restaurant open at the time).There were some items that looked interesting, including a grilled chicken with a pineapple salsa and salmon wrapped in ham that I had seen on Gluten Free in Orlando's Disney Dream review. I asked about those, and I also requested some asparagus (which I adore) and some antipasti.On my way back to the table, I did take a bit of time to take photographs and look around the restaurant. I loved this restaurant's decor and wish I had enjoyed another meal there.Enchanted Garden Inteior LightOnce I got back to our table, the assistant server (usually in charge of beverages at your table) took my drink order. I ordered unsweetened iced tea, and as I learned, they do not use Gold Peak tea like Walt Disney World does. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I drank a lot of water on this cruise!Enchanted Garden TeaIt didn't take long at all for my food to come out. Rexon brought all of my food and included a couple of desserts for me as well.Enchanted Garden EntreeI was a bit bummed to see plain chicken and plain salmon, having asked for the versions on the buffet. As I learned throughout the cruise, being very specific in your requests is important, as the restaurants will typically serve you the plainest food possible to ensure safety (at least in my experience on this cruise).My guess is as long as the sauces were safe, they would have served me the versions on the buffet instead of making me new items, but I do truly appreciate that they wanted to make me safe options. And for those wondering, they do cook items for special diets guests in a separate area of the kitchen on separate equipment. I was very glad to hear of that!The salmon and chicken were both fine; nothing special. The asparagus was dynamite, having been sauteed in extra virgin olive oil with some garlic.Enchanted Garden AntipastiThe antipasti was definitely my favorite part of this meal. The prosciutto and olives were the perfect light lunch (considering I was on lunch number 2!) The beef was not my favorite cured meat, so I didn't eat much of that one.Enchanted Garden DessertsFor dessert, Rexson brought me Enjoy Life Snickerdoodle cookies (love them!) and the dreaded Jell-O. I'm not a huge Jell-o fan to begin with and especially not since there was a period during my initial Crohn's diagnosis where Jell-o and liquids were the only things I could eat. Add in that it's green Jell-o (gross) with fruit in it (double-gross) and meringue. Um, no thanks. I tried one bite and promptly decided that this Jell-o was not for me.But, I really appreciated that Rexson brought me some options! And I was very glad to see Enjoy Life cookies on board the ship.Overall, I thought Enchanted Garden was a much better option as an embarkation lunch than Cabanas. It was much quieter and definitely easier to navigate. The buffet itself was almost identical to the one in Cabanas (just smaller) and the staff went above and beyond to assist me with safe options.As I later learned from my friends, the special dining session on our ship was located at the Royal Palace restaurant. I never did get a chance to go there but I'm glad to have learned where it was held. I hope that the Disney Cruise Line does a better job in the future of keeping their staff up-to-date on these and where they are located (especially, since I was encouraged to attend it).With my stomach full from lunch number 2, my mom and I settled into our stateroom on deck 2 and then went to the DVC Member Welcome Reception. We sure kept ourselves busy until dinner the first night which was at Remy, one of the adult dining locations on the shipDCL StateroomHave you been on the Disney Dream? What did you think of the Enchanted Garden?

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