Garden Grill -- Dinner -- Table Service -- Epcot

Well, as you saw my previous review of the Garden Grill, I really enjoyed this place. The food was fabulous, the ambiance was unparallelled! Great character interaction and an overall calm and dare I say relaxing character meal! I was very much looking forward to this meal there. However, it was a bit disappointing, unfortunately. I think perhaps it may be due to the seasonality of the menu and the chef's prerogative on meal offerings.We were great by Chef Aeran, who quite honestly, seemed less than thrilled to be assisting me. I told her the last time I went there that they had made me safe potatoes--she told me this was absolutely untrue and that they gave me incorrect food (um, well I didn't get sick or have a reaction, so I'd say the crushed potatoes in olive oil were fine lol). Oh well. The last time I also got an AMAZING blend of veggies--this time I was told I could only get plain broccoli (the veggie offering this time was swiss chard, which was very prevalent in the Living with the Land ride at the time). I can't imagine why she couldn't make sauteed swiss chard for me, but alas it was not going to happen. She said the fish dish was perfectly fine as was the salsa on top of it. I was brought turkey with gravy, smashed plain potatoes (not very flavorful), plain broccoli, seasoned rice and fish. I was able to eat the salad with oil and vinegar and the ener-g rolls. Dessert was a french meadow brownie.The salad, as usual, was excellent and very fresh. It didn't have the bacon bits in it, which was a missing piece to it, to be honest! anything is better with bacon!!!

Garden salad..fresh and yummy! But where's the bacon!?
Ener-G rolls and um, the corn I didn't eat out of the salad (Crohn's folks don't usually digest these well, so I don't eat corn!)
My main meal--not as good as the previous trip!
The turkey was really good, as usual. The gravy outstanding. The potatoes were bland, as there was no seasoning (salt and pepper would have been nice), as was the broccoli. The fish was OK. I liked the rice, but the fish was very overpowering taste wise. I like most fish, but I found this to be less than a mild fish, which I expected a more mild fish, as the last time (I think it was Tilapia) on the last trip, which I love). It wasn't horrible, but maybe it was the combination of seasonings that I didn't like too.
Overall, it really wasn't a bad meal, but more disappointing, as the previous trip was outstanding. I think that this place is dependent on what's in season, and so each meal is going to vary. Overall, I'd like to try this again. I love the atmosphere and the salad. The character interaction is beyond amazing. It will be a bit before I try it again.Overall, a 6 out of 10 for this trip, for a less than thrilled Chef and lackluster food.
**This dining experience took place in May 2011. 

Boma -- Breakfast -- Table Service -- Animal Kingdom Lodge


Chef Mickey's -- Breakfast -- Table Service -- Contemporary