Cape May Cafe -- Beach Club -- Table Service

Welcome to Cape May Cafe!

Wowie--I love seafood and I was hopeful that I would be able to indulge at this buffet--boy, was I in for a treat! Seafood galore. I have eaten here prior to food allergies, but it has been several years and prior to the addition of the crab legs. Upon arrival, I was met by a chef who took me around the buffet--I was amazed at how many choices I had that were naturally gluten and dairy free. Pretty much most of the seafood choices were OK and lots of side dishes too. There was a plain salad mix on the buffet with oil and vinegar on the side, but the premade salads (like a Caesar salad) were out of the question. I was able to eat peel and eat shrimp, crab legs (minus any butter to dip it in...didn't matter to me, it still tasted yummy), some kind of fish stew, chicken, mussels, clams, boiled red potatoes, cabbage, and far too many other things to count. YUM! I ate two plates of crab legs!

Sweet, delicious crabby legs!

The pork on this was excellent, as was the chicken, and the cabbage was amazing!

I ate entirely too many peel and eat shrimp--and the cocktail sauce is safe (but not the tartar sauce evidently).

Forget a bigger boat! Kids, we're gonna need a bigger bucket!

I was so full after this meal, and when it came to dessert it was a little disappointing (but thankfully not a big deal b/c I was so full) b/c they gave me a french meadow brownie, still in the package half melted b/c they nuked it in the microwave (in the package!? egads!). Now, I'm not complaining about the brownie part--dessert wise, gluten and dairy free leaves little options, but usually most chefs try to at least put it on a plate and cut it/doctor it up so it looks nice. This was all melted and still in the package! I mean literally the waitress just dumped it on the table like it was the most disgusting thing she had ever seen. Sighs...well, at least the rest of the buffet was excellent.

My very messy brownie--you can see the package is covered in chocolate from being nuked.

Had it not been for the less than stellar dessert attempt (and some amazing meals later in the trip--with chefs who REALLY went above and beyond) this would have been a 9 out of 10, but I give it a 7 out of 10 for lack of enthusiasm to accommodate food allergies if it is not on the buffet. I will say though that I've heard some really fantastic reviews from other people from food allergies overall, and the dessert really wasn't bad--just needed some better prep time and presentation. I'd definitely go again, and just prepare myself for a nuked brownie!

Boma -- Animal Kingdom Lodge -- Table Service


Wolfgang Puck Express -- Downtown Disney -- Counter Service