ABC Commissary -- Lunch/Dinner -- Quick Service -- Hollywood Studios

*This dining experience took place in August 2013.

You'll feel like you're on a movie lot

If you ever wondered what it might be like to eat on a movie lot's commissary, ABC Commissary located in Disney's Hollywood Studios gives you a peek into that experience. In fact, you'd expect your favorite tv & movie stars to be seated next to you, grabbing lunch in between takes! ABC Commissary offers fairly standard quick service fare at WDW but also easily accommodates gluten free & dairy free diners.When I arrived at this location, I knew that I wanted the allergy friendly chicken tenders and French fries, having eaten them here before. I also knew that they had a dedicated fryer, so that I could have them fried, not baked (which also cuts the waiting time by half). I recalled that there were several other options as well, though they were fairly standard. I will say that the Studios were very busy that day and even though it was 2:30 p.m. It took a while in line, particularly because my line had one very annoying party that couldn't decide what they wanted to eat (side note, as a courtesy I always recommend you have a good idea of what you want to eat because it streamlines the process for everyone involved not just your family!). Though, I suppose it gave me a good opportunity to look at the decor of ABC Commissary. I will say, I do love the trees inside the restaurant. It just adds a little extra touch (I do however think they need to rethink the covers for the trees, because I tripped on a couple of them!).

You can tell everyone is hot & tired. You can catch a glimpse of those palm trees though!

Once I met with the manager, she asked about my special dietary needs. It was really interesting because she actually asked when I said gluten & dairy, if they were allergies, Celiac disease or intolerances. On the one hand, I really loved that she asked this. I hate saying "I have allergies" when I have gluten and dairy intolerance. On the other hand, her tone indicated to me that she didn't seem to think intolerances were as valid as Celiac disease or a dairy allergy. That is frustrating to me, particularly as I react quite severely to gluten &amp my dairy reactions are also quite unpleasant and similar to an allergic reaction (I get scratchy throat, migraines, etc.). So, it was interesting to have this discussion with a CM. I do think it's nice to have people ask about what it is, on the other hand, I don't want that to mean that they take it less seriously, if that makes sense. But in any event, we went through the typical procedure where she wrote up the special diets on the yellow notepad that many QS diners will recognize. She also went through the binder with me. She mentioned that I could have a variation of the Chicken Blue sandwich (sort of a buffalo chicken sandwich, which had been offered to me on previous occasions) and a hamburger minus the cheese. I decline and opted for the allergy-friendly chicken tenders. She also showed me the ingredients. I didn't grab a picture but for those that recently asked, the brand is Allergy Free Foods (check out their website HERE) and the tenders were rice flour, tapioca flour based. She gave me a pager and I was off to grab a seat and wait.Once the pager went off, I ran back up to the counter and met the manager who brought out my chicken tenders. Then it was time to dig in!!

Yum! My fav!

I will say that the chicken tenders, despite the fact that they use the same brand, are different depending on the location. I think it's how they fry them. I don't know what Columbia Harbour House does but those things are soooo addicting there. It's almost like they double-fry them or fry them for a specific time that gets them really crispy. These were good but really could have used a couple more minutes in the fryer in terms of crispiness. Still tasty, yes., not so much. The french fries were good as usual, nothing too special about regular Disney fries.I like that I have a few options here. I also love that it's air conditioned which was a huge selling point in August (my other choice was Backlot Express and it is not air conditioned). I like that I can get the allergy friendly chicken tenders here. I just wish they had a few more options. Overall, I'd give this a 7 out of 10 for this experience.


Pepper Market -- Lunch/Dinner -- Quick Service -- Coronado Springs


The Mara -- Breakfast -- Quick Service -- Animal Kingdom Lodge