1900 Park Fare -- Breakfast -- Table Service -- Grand Floridian

**This dining experience took place in summer 2011.
Chef brought out a bounty of food--all prepared in the kitchen, not off the buffet        

I admit, while I like character meals, I have to be in the mood for a character breakfast. I get a little cranky before I get food in the morning; sorry Mickey, but it's true. However, I have been wanting to try out 1900 Park Fare for breakfast for a while. (I've eaten dinner here pre-allergies).One of the biggest things that I noticed at this breakfast is that there were not that many items that I could eat straight from the buffet. Meaning it was either filled with gluten or dairy (or both). I could have items from the carving station (like ham, which I love) or fruit. Otherwise, everything else was off limits. The chef said he would make everything in the back for me. I asked for scrambled eggs, potatoes, bacon, and of course, Mickey waffles! (yes, you are probably all well aware of my Mickey waffle obsession).Overall, the food was good. Nothing special; just basic breakfast food. Except the bacon. OMG it was rockin'! Kouzzina is the other restaurant that I really like the bacon. It's not that greasy puny type that you often get; this was very meaty delicious bacon. My family even were jealous (yep, they got the other kind of bacon). I wondered why the difference in the bacon, but I didn't argue. It was too good. They were a wee stingy on the Mickey waffles, but no big deal, I did have a lot of food to eat.

Ham from the buffet carving station. Very good!  

In general, I would give this restaurant a 8 out of 10. Food was good and plentiful (and safe). If you like character meals or have kids, they'll love this one!

Me and Winnie the Pooh--No rumbly tummies here!



Ohana -- Dinner -- Table Service -- Polynesian


Flame Tree BBQ -- Quick Service -- Lunch -- Animal Kingdom